segunda-feira, 14 de agosto de 2023

Xbox Store, de 15 a 21 de agosto

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:


Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
BorderlandsR$ 47,60$ 7,9960%G,R2017-12-22 R$ 29,75W
Borderlands 2R$ 35,60$ 7,9960%G,R2017-10-10 R$ 17,80W
Borderlands 2 Season PassR$ 18,00$ 8,9970%G,RDLC2019-08-13 R$ 12,00W
Borderlands 2 Ultimate VaultR$ 3,30$ 1,6467%G,RDLCB
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault 2R$ 3,30$ 1,6467%G,RDLCB
Borderlands: The Pre-SequelR$ 59,70$ 11,9970%G2017-10-03 R$ 39,80W
Bound By Flame-$ 1,9980%G,RB
Call of Juarez: GunslingerR$ 6,00$ 2,9980%RB
Faery: Legends of Avalon-$ 1,3980%G,RB
Final ExamR$ 8,87$ 1,6467%G2021-03-02 R$ 4,00W
Prey-$ 3,9980%G,R2017-11-17 $ 1,99W
Realms of Ancient WarR$ 8,07$ 1,4970%G,RB
The Misadventures PB Winterbottom-$ 1,9980%G,RB

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
80's OVERDRIVER$ 7,39$ 1,9980%AB
A Boy and His BlobR$ 13,30$ 6,9930%2018-06-05 R$ 7,60W
A Building Full of CatsR$ 8,76$ 2,3920%B
A Fold ApartR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%2023-06-20 R$ 19,70A
A Gummy's LifeR$ 18,91$ 5,9970%SB
A Memoir BlueR$ 20,96$ 5,5930%A,S2023-07-04 R$ 22,46A
A Musical StoryR$ 24,72$ 6,7455%S2023-05-02 R$ 21,98W
A Plague Tale: InnocenceR$ 46,20$ 11,9970%G,X2022-08-23 R$ 38,50W
Aaero: The Complete EditionR$ 13,73$ 3,7475%jogo + DLCB
Achtung! Cthulhu TacticsR$ 17,15$ 8,7465%XB
Adventures of PipR$ 13,72$ 6,7455%2020-11-03 R$ 5,80W
Aery - Calm Mind 3R$ 25,86$ 6,9930%2023-05-02 R$ 27,71A
Aery - Path of CorruptionR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%2023-05-02 R$ 25,86A
Aeterna NoctisR$ 25,85$ 13,4955%SB
AfterglitchR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%2023-06-13 R$ 38,46A
AfterimageR$ 51,79$ 17,4930%S2023-06-06 R$ 59,19A
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London CaseR$ 132,70$ 35,9910%SB
Agatha KnifeR$ 6,05$ 2,9975%B
Agent A: O enigma disfarçadoR$ 5,77$ 1,4990%X2022-02-22 R$ 5,49W
Agent InterceptR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%S2023-05-02 R$ 29,98W
Airborne BundleR$ 95,84$ 25,9935%Ajogo + DLC2023-06-20 R$ 98,79A
Aliens: Fireteam EliteR$ 74,97$ 14,9950%G,SB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Endeavor Veteran PackR$ 25,09$ 4,6833%S,ADLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Hardened Marine PackR$ 15,14$ 2,6733%S,ADLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Wey-Yu ArmouryR$ 25,09$ 4,6833%S,ADLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite Pathogen ExpansionR$ 51,96$ 9,7435%G,A,X,SDLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: Frontier Freelancer PackR$ 24,42$ 4,6833%A,X,SDLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: Nostromo Salvage PackR$ 25,09$ 4,6833%A,X,SDLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: UACM Frontline PackR$ 25,09$ 4,6833%A,X,SDLCB
Alwa's AwakeningR$ 11,65$ 2,9970%B
Amazing Princess SarahR$ 9,48$ 2,4975%2021-08-24 R$ 8,38W
American FugitiveR$ 7,49$ 1,9990%X2023-06-27 R$ 14,99A
AntigraviatorR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%B
Ary and the Secret of SeasonsR$ 31,99$ 7,9980%2023-04-21 R$ 23,99W
Assassin's Creed IV Black FlagR$ 19,80$ 8,9980%2023-05-30 R$ 24,75A
Assassin's Creed OdysseyR$ 39,80$ 11,9980%X2023-05-30 R$ 29,85W
Assassin's Creed OriginsR$ 29,85$ 8,9985%X,S2023-05-30 R$ 19,90W
Assassin's Creed Rogue RemasteredR$ 23,70$ 8,9970%X,FB
Assassin's Creed SyndicateR$ 26,98$ 8,9970%B
Assassin's Creed The Ezio CollectionR$ 35,98$ 11,9970%F2019-08-27 R$ 29,80W
Assassin's Creed UnityR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%FB
Assassin's Creed ValhallaR$ 69,98$ 14,9975%X,S,PB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ragnarok EditionR$ 143,98$ 29,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 71,99W
Assault Android CactusR$ 7,62$ 3,7475%XB
Astalon: Tears of the EarthR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%B
Astro Flame StarfighterR$ 29,56$ 7,9920%B
ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game-$ 9,1960%B
AtomicropsR$ 13,73$ 3,7475%B
AutonautsR$ 14,99$ 4,9975%G,S2023-06-23 R$ 11,99W
AXESR$ 11,07$ 2,9940%2023-01-31 R$ 12,91A
Axis Football 2023-$ 9,9950%B
Aztech Forgotten GodsR$ 47,30$ 11,9960%S2023-06-23 R$ 41,39W
BackboneR$ 23,11$ 6,2475%B
Batman: The Telltale Series - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)R$ 23,00$ 7,4950%2021-12-21 R$ 11,50W
Battle Kid: Fortress of PerilR$ 19,43$ 4,9950%2023-05-02 R$ 15,54W
Bear With Me: The Complete CollectionR$ 4,49$ 2,2485%jogo + DLC2022-05-17 R$ 5,99A
Bear With Me: The Complete Collection UnlockR$ 1,72$ 1,4985%DLC2022-03-15 R$ 2,30A
Bear With Me: The Lost RobotsR$ 3,69$ 0,9980%B
BeholgarR$ 11,08$ 2,9970%B
BipedR$ 20,22$ 5,2465%B
Blaster Master Zero 3R$ 37,49$ 7,4950%B
Blazing BeaksR$ 14,44$ 3,7475%XB
BloodRayne: ReVampedR$ 55,17$ 13,9930%XB
Blue FireR$ 26,23$ 6,9965%X2023-06-13 R$ 29,98A
Bomber Crew Deluxe EditionR$ 15,99$ 4,9980%Xjogo + DLC2021-07-06 R$ 4,90W
Boomerang FuR$ 28,89$ 7,4950%2022-03-08 R$ 13,73W
Borderlands 3R$ 37,50$ 8,9985%G,X,SB
Borderlands 3 Season Pass 1 + 2 BundleR$ 79,96$ 27,9960%G,X,SDLCB
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe EditionR$ 83,25$ 19,9975%G,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Borderlands Legendary CollectionR$ 83,16$ 19,9960%GB
Borderlands: Game of the Year EditionR$ 42,90$ 9,8967%G,XB
Broken Universe - Tower DefenseR$ 9,23$ 2,4975%GB
Bug Fables: The Everlasting SaplingR$ 27,73$ 7,4970%2023-02-21 R$ 36,98A
Bus Simulator 21R$ 75,21$ 27,9930%XB
Call of the SeaR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%X,SB
Can't Drive ThisR$ 51,23$ 12,9935%2022-02-15 R$ 48,71W
Carnival GamesR$ 28,80$ 7,9980%GB
Cat Quest IIR$ 18,13$ 4,9467%XB
Cave DiggerR$ 28,89$ 7,4950%2022-03-08 R$ 5,49W
ChasmR$ 12,30$ 5,9970%2021-08-24 R$ 11,70W
ChernobyliteR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%B
Chernobylite: Autumn Dread PackR$ 7,47$ 1,9950%SDLCA
Chernobylite: Blue Flames PackR$ 7,47$ 1,9950%SDLCA
Chernobylite: Deadly Frost PackR$ 7,47$ 1,9950%SDLCA
Chernobylite: White Rose PackR$ 7,47$ 1,9950%SDLCA
Chess GambitR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%G,A2023-06-02 R$ 29,56A
Children of Morta: Complete EditionR$ 32,98$ 8,9067%Ajogo + DLCB
Chivalry 2R$ 73,72$ 19,9950%S2023-04-06 R$ 58,98W
Chivalry 2 Special EditionR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%Sjogo + DLC2023-04-06 R$ 73,98W
Chivalry 2 King's EditionR$ 111,22$ 29,9950%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Chivalry 2 King's Edition ContentR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLCB
Chivalry 2: Special Edition ContentR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%A,SDLCA
ChromaGunR$ 10,67$ 5,2465%2022-03-08 R$ 7,25W
Clone Drone in the Danger ZoneR$ 39,41$ 9,9950%X2023-07-04 R$ 27,58W
Clunky HeroR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%2023-06-20 R$ 38,46A
Codex of Victory-$ 9,7435%B
COGEN: Sword of RewindR$ 58,33$ 14,9940%2022-07-05 R$ 72,91A
Construction SimulatorR$ 138,71$ 37,4925%SB
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!R$ 12,74$ 3,2475%2022-04-05 R$ 12,11W
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!R$ 19,70$ 4,9975%B
Cosmic Top SecretR$ 7,77$ 1,9980%B
Cozy GroveR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%XB
Crazy Athletics - Summer Sports and GamesR$ 35,97$ 9,5940%A,S2023-06-20 R$ 20,98W
CreaksR$ 14,98$ 4,9975%XB
Cris TalesR$ 42,99$ 7,9980%B
Cruz BrothersR$ 12,52$ 3,2967%2021-06-28 R$ 2,98W
Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIEDR$ 7,36$ 3,4950%DLC2022-03-22 R$ 7,00W
Crysis 2 RemasteredR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%X,SB
Crysis 3 RemasteredR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%X,SB
Crysis RemasteredR$ 37,10$ 9,8967%X,SB
Crysis Remastered TrilogyR$ 101,72$ 27,4945%S2022-08-09 R$ 73,98W
Crystal OrthaR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%G,A2023-02-07 R$ 30,22A
Cult of the LambR$ 60,09$ 16,2435%SB
Cult of the Lamb: Cultist and Heretic Pack BundleR$ 29,78$ 8,0333%SDLCA
Curse of the Dead GodsR$ 31,48$ 5,9970%G2023-03-14 R$ 20,99W
Curved SpaceR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%2023-04-21 R$ 11,24W
Cymatically MuffedR$ 7,59$ 1,9980%B
Danger ScavengerR$ 3,69$ 0,9990%G,X,SB
Dark Nights with Poe and MunroR$ 14,02$ 3,5970%B
Dark SauceR$ 11,07$ 2,9940%2023-01-17 R$ 12,91A
Dawn of ManR$ 48,61$ 12,4950%2022-02-22 R$ 46,22W
Dawn of Man + PlanetbaseR$ 67,47$ 17,9950%B
Dead DungeonR$ 5,53$ 1,4970%2022-03-29 R$ 3,69W
Death SquaredR$ 5,80$ 2,9980%2022-09-06 R$ 4,35W
DEMON'S TILTR$ 31,52$ 7,9960%A2023-05-02 R$ 23,64W
Demoniaca: Everlasting NightR$ 21,98$ 5,9960%S,EB
DeploymentR$ 4,73$ 1,2475%2023-05-09 R$ 1,89W
Dicey DungeonsR$ 16,25$ 5,2465%A,SB
Die for Valhalla!R$ 4,60$ 2,3980%B
Dimension DriveR$ 3,94$ 1,9485%B
DiscoloredR$ 13,60$ 3,4965%XB
DJMax Respect VR$ 39,99$ 9,9980%A,SA
DJMAX RESPECT V: Clazziquai Edition PACKR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%A,SDLCA
DJMAX RESPECT V: Cytus PackR$ 10,99$ 2,9980%A,SDLCA
DJMAX RESPECT V: Deemo PackR$ 10,99$ 2,9980%A,SDLCA
DJMAX RESPECT V: Emotional Sense PACKR$ 7,39$ 1,9980%A,SDLCA
DJMAX RESPECT V: Muse Dash PACKR$ 13,49$ 3,5980%A,SDLCA
DJMAX RESPECT V: Portable 3 PACKR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%A,SDLCA
Don't Be AfraidR$ 19,43$ 4,9950%B
Door Kickers: Action SquadR$ 11,55$ 2,9980%B
DordogneR$ 83,96$ 15,9920%G,SA
Double CrossR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%B
Dragon's Lair TrilogyR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%2023-05-02 R$ 29,98W
Dread NauticalR$ 26,23$ 6,9965%X2021-07-06 R$ 22,48W
Driven OutR$ 17,33$ 4,4970%B
Dying Light Platinum EditionR$ 32,99$ 9,9980%G,Fjogo + DLCB
EmbrR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%A,SB
Evan's RemainsR$ 10,38$ 2,7960%XB
EverspaceR$ 29,56$ 7,4975%A,X2022-01-25 R$ 16,86W
Everspace: EncountersR$ 9,71$ 2,4975%A,XDLC2022-07-26 R$ 11,65A
EvertriedR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%2023-06-23 R$ 26,23W
Evil WestR$ 179,97$ 35,9940%G,S2023-07-04 R$ 194,96A
Figment 2: Creed ValleyR$ 60,09$ 16,2435%A,S2023-05-30 R$ 64,71A
Figment: Journey Into the MindR$ 22,48$ 5,9970%A,S2023-05-09 R$ 14,99W
FireFighting Simulator - The SquadR$ 84,33$ 22,4925%S2023-06-20 R$ 89,96A
Fishing: North AtlanticR$ 59,13$ 14,9950%XB
Flying SoldiersR$ 22,77$ 5,9940%B
Fobia: St. Dinfna HotelR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%SB
FOR HONOR : MARCHING FIRE EDITIONR$ 29,99$ 9,9980%X,S2023-05-16 R$ 37,48A
ForagerR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%B
FortifiedR$ 14,50$ 7,4950%*2018-07-10 R$ 9,57W
Freshly FrostedR$ 25,86$ 6,9930%S2023-05-23 R$ 27,71A
From Heaven to EarthR$ 16,86$ 4,5435%XB
Front Mission 1st: RemakeR$ 103,96$ 27,9920%G,S2023-06-30 R$ 116,95A
FuriR$ 12,30$ 5,9970%2020-05-19 R$ 11,70W
Gas Guzzlers ExtremeR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%2019-02-05 R$ 12,25W
Gas Station SimulatorR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%B
Get PackedR$ 26,23$ 6,9965%2023-05-30 R$ 29,98A
Get-A-Grip Chip and the Body BugsR$ 7,44$ 1,9435%X2022-10-11 R$ 9,20A
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold EditionR$ 75,99$ 19,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 30,39W
Gnomes GardenR$ 5,26$ 2,4950%2021-09-28 R$ 3,00W
Gnomes Garden 3: The thief of castlesR$ 5,26$ 2,5050%2022-03-08 R$ 3,00W
God of RockR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%SA
Golazo! 2R$ 20,10$ 5,2465%B
GorogoaR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%XB
Grapple DogR$ 19,23$ 5,2465%SB
GreedFallR$ 46,48$ 10,4970%G,X2021-12-14 R$ 38,73W
GreedFall - The de Vespe ConspiracyR$ 22,17$ 4,1940%G,SDLCB
Gridd: RetroenhancedR$ 8,46$ 4,1965%X2021-08-24 R$ 4,60W
GTA V Cross-Gen BundleR$ 98,96$ 19,7967%G,SB
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card BundleR$ 71,97$ 20,2455%Gjogo + coins2022-04-22 R$ 52,78W
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card BundleR$ 149,98$ 35,9960%G2019-06-07 R$ 124,50W
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card BundleR$ 99,98$ 23,9960%G2020-03-10 R$ 62,48W
Guns, Gore and CannoliR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%2017-06-20 R$ 6,27W
Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2R$ 12,50$ 6,4950%B
Hammerwatch: Heroic BundleR$ 32,35$ 8,7465%B
Haunted Halloween '86R$ 11,65$ 2,9970%2022-03-01 R$ 11,08W
HavenR$ 38,88$ 9,9960%SB
Heaven DustR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%X2023-07-04 R$ 12,93W
Hell PieR$ 60,09$ 16,2435%SB
Hermitage: Strange Case FilesR$ 27,58$ 6,9965%B
High On LifeR$ 166,83$ 44,9925%A,X,SB
HindsightR$ 36,81$ 10,0433%A,S2023-07-04 R$ 35,71W
Hobo: Tough LifeR$ 63,61$ 16,7433%SB
Hyper GunsportR$ 46,22$ 12,4950%A,SB
Immortal PlanetR$ 18,13$ 4,9467%2022-08-09 R$ 16,48W
Infinite MinigolfR$ 10,15$ 5,2465%2022-03-22 R$ 8,70W
Jackbox Party Pack 7R$ 67,47$ 17,9940%X2022-09-06 R$ 44,98W
Jelly BrawlR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%XB
John Wick HexR$ 7,49$ 1,9990%B
Just Shapes & BeatsR$ 55,17$ 13,9930%SB
Kamikaze VeggiesR$ 19,38$ 5,1960%SB
Katana KataR$ 8,68$ 4,4970%B
Kentucky Route ZeroR$ 55,47$ 14,9940%B
Kerbal Space Program Complete EditionR$ 69,17$ 19,7967%Gjogo + DLCB
Kingdom RushR$ 22,77$ 5,9940%AB
Kingdom Rush FrontiersR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%AB
Kitaria FablesR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%X,SB
Knights and BikesR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%A2023-05-02 R$ 29,98W
LamentumR$ 22,06$ 5,5965%B
Last StopR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%S,AB
LEGO BricktalesR$ 73,09$ 19,4935%S2023-06-20 R$ 78,71A
LEGO Builder's JourneyR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%SB
Let's Build a Zoo: Dinosaur Island DLCR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%A,SDLCA
Let’s Build A ZooR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%A,S2022-09-29 R$ 63,70A
Lost Artifacts: Time MachineR$ 12,93$ 3,4965%2023-03-28 R$ 11,08W
LOST ORBIT: Terminal VelocityR$ 3,88$ 0,9990%B
Lost WordsR$ 9,37$ 2,2485%B
Lotus Reverie: First NexusR$ 22,06$ 5,5960%B
LuckslingerR$ 7,39$ 1,9980%B
LuminiR$ 7,39$ 1,9980%B
MachinariumR$ 8,99$ 2,9985%2022-02-08 R$ 7,48W
Machinarium & Creaks BundleR$ 19,99$ 6,5980%B
Madden NFL 24 Deluxe Edition Xbox Series X|S & Xbox OneR$ 476,10$ 89,9910%X,Sjogo + DLCA
Maneater: Apex Edition BundleR$ 73,98$ 19,9960%X,S,Ajogo + DLC2023-06-20 R$ 101,72A
Manifold GardenR$ 35,46$ 9,9950%SB
Maximum Football 2019-$ 0,9990%2022-05-17 $ 1,99A
Maximum Football 2020-$ 2,9990%2023-06-27 $ 4,49A
Mech ArmadaR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%SB
Mechstermination ForceR$ 28,04$ 7,1940%A2021-11-11 R$ 26,67W
MegaquariumR$ 18,92$ 4,7980%2023-06-20 R$ 28,38A
Metrico+R$ 7,09$ 3,4975%B
Mighty Switch Force! CollectionR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%B
Miracle Snack ShopR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%G,SA
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 4R$ 22,42$ 4,4985%B
Monster Energy Supercross 4 - Special EditionR$ 37,42$ 7,4985%jogo + DLCB
Monster Prom: XXLR$ 20,80$ 5,2767%2022-03-15 R$ 19,78W
Moo LanderR$ 45,46$ 12,2430%B
Moonlighter Complete BundleR$ 13,49$ 3,5985%jogo + DLCB
MotoGP 19R$ 14,92$ 3,7485%2023-06-13 R$ 18,74A
MudRunner - American Wilds EditionR$ 28,99$ 6,9980%G,Xjogo + DLCB
MulakaR$ 4,10$ 1,9990%B
Munchkin: Quacked QuestR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%AB
Mushroom SaviorR$ 7,76$ 1,9960%2023-04-11 R$ 8,73A
MXGP 2019 - The Official Motocross VideogameR$ 23,65$ 4,4985%B
Mythic OceanR$ 14,44$ 3,7475%2023-01-03 R$ 11,55W
n Verlore VerstandR$ 5,49$ 1,4990%B
Narcos: Rise of the CartelsR$ 22,49$ 5,9980%X2023-06-23 R$ 11,24W
Necromunda: Hired GunR$ 75,23$ 13,9965%G,S2023-07-04 R$ 85,98A
Necromunda: Hired Gun - Gang Wars Cosmetics BundleR$ 32,97$ 5,9940%DLCB
Necromunda: Hired Gun - Hunter's Bounty PackR$ 10,68$ 2,0033%DLCB
NEScape!R$ 9,47$ 2,4950%B
New Tales from the BorderlandsR$ 99,75$ 19,9950%G,SB
NexomonR$ 20,32$ 5,4945%SB
Nobody Saves the WorldR$ 46,22$ 12,4950%A,X,SB
Nobody Saves the World + Frozen HearthR$ 52,47$ 13,9950%A,Sjogo + DLCB
OlliOlli World Rad EditionR$ 131,94$ 24,7445%G,Sjogo + DLCB
Operation: TangoR$ 39,41$ 9,9950%X,SB
Operencia: The Stolen SunR$ 39,35$ 10,4965%X,AB
Outbreak Definitive CollectionR$ 55,61$ 14,9975%Sjogo + DLCB
Outbreak Platinum CollectionR$ 88,11$ 23,7475%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Outbreak Ultimate ApocalypseR$ 22,11$ 5,9985%jogo + DLCB
Outer WildsR$ 55,47$ 14,9940%A,SB
Outer Wilds: Archaeologist EditionR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%A,Sjogo + DLCB
Override 2: Super Mech LeagueR$ 23,98$ 4,4985%S2023-04-28 R$ 31,98A
Oxide Room 104R$ 46,22$ 12,4950%SB
Paint the Town RedR$ 39,41$ 9,9950%X,S2022-09-06 R$ 31,52W
Palindrome Syndrome: Escape RoomR$ 22,77$ 5,9940%SB
Phoenotopia: AwakeningR$ 47,29$ 11,9940%A,S2021-12-07 R$ 52,46A
PHOGS!R$ 32,35$ 8,7465%AB
Plague Inc: EvolvedR$ 10,67$ 5,2465%B
Planet of LanaR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%G,A,SA
PlanetbaseR$ 28,89$ 7,4950%B
Potion PermitR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%SB
Praey for the GodsR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%2023-06-13 R$ 50,60W
ProtocolR$ 11,08$ 6,2970%B
Pure Chess Grandmaster EditionR$ 7,20$ 3,7470%B
Pushy and Pully in BlocklandR$ 19,43$ 4,9950%2022-03-08 R$ 14,78W
PUSS!R$ 7,03$ 3,5970%2023-01-24 R$ 5,86W
Q-YO BlasterR$ 3,69$ 0,9990%GB
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the LeviathanR$ 27,58$ 6,9965%B
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 189,97$ 49,9950%jogo + DLCB
RavenlokR$ 69,33$ 18,7425%A,SB
Re:CallR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%SB
Real Heroes: FireFighter HDR$ 40,45$ 10,4930%X2022-06-07 R$ 37,56W
Realpolitiks New PowerR$ 9,24$ 2,4990%G,AB
Red Dead Redemption 2: Story Mode and Ultimate Edition ContentR$ 139,99$ 27,9965%G,XB
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate EditionR$ 149,98$ 29,9970%G,Xjogo + DLC2020-09-22 R$ 139,60W
Red Wings: Aces of the SkyR$ 7,49$ 1,9990%B
Redout: Lightspeed EditionR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%XB
Remothered: Broken PorcelainR$ 13,09$ 2,9990%B
REZ PLZR$ 10,99$ 2,9980%B
Ride 2R$ 12,61$ 2,9990%2022-02-15 R$ 11,99W
RimWorld Console EditionR$ 110,58$ 29,9925%2022-12-15 R$ 117,96A
RimWorld Console Edition: Royalty DLCR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%DLCA
River City GirlsR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%B
RiverbondR$ 9,77$ 4,9980%A2022-02-15 R$ 6,96W
Road Redemption-$ 7,9960%B
Rock of Ages 3: Make & BreakR$ 13,09$ 2,9990%B
Rogue LegacyR$ 3,05$ 1,4990%B
Rogue Legacy 2R$ 64,71$ 17,4930%SB
Rubber BanditsR$ 18,97$ 4,9950%S,A2022-12-06 R$ 14,21W
RustlerR$ 11,24$ 2,9990%B
Sam & Max Save the WorldR$ 55,17$ 13,9930%B
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and SpaceR$ 55,17$ 13,9930%XB
SaturnaliaR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%S2023-07-04 R$ 48,71A
Sea SaltR$ 11,55$ 2,9980%AB
Severed SteelR$ 41,60$ 11,2455%2023-05-02 R$ 36,98W
Shantae and the Seven SirensR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%B
She Sees Red Interactive MovieR$ 11,65$ 2,9970%A2022-02-15 R$ 11,08W
She Wants Me DeadR$ 9,23$ 2,4975%GB
SHMUPS Pack 2x1R$ 20,47$ 5,4950%2023-06-20 R$ 9,97W
Shoulders of GiantsR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%S2023-05-16 R$ 29,98W
SignalisR$ 88,08$ 14,9925%AB
Sir LovelotR$ 3,88$ 0,9990%G,XB
SkateBirdR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%G,AB
SmelterR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%2023-06-23 R$ 26,23W
SojuornR$ 28,85$ 8,7465%XB
SoundfallR$ 28,48$ 7,4970%SB
South of the CircleR$ 29,07$ 7,7940%SB
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold EditionR$ 57,48$ 19,9975%jogo + DLCB
Space CrewR$ 15,99$ 4,9980%B
Space EngineersR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%B
Space GladiatorsR$ 43,96$ 11,9920%B
Space Raiders in SpaceR$ 21,85$ 5,9465%GB
Space Warlord Organ Trading SimulatorR$ 47,29$ 11,9940%A,SB
Spacelines from the Far OutR$ 28,89$ 7,4950%A,XB
Starpoint Gemini 2-$ 8,7475%2020-11-03 $ 6,99W
Starpoint Gemini Warlords-$ 8,7475%2020-11-03 $ 7,00W
StayR$ 5,75$ 2,9975%2022-03-29 R$ 4,60W
Steve Jackson's Sorcery!R$ 48,61$ 12,4950%A2023-06-20 R$ 58,33A
Strayed LightsR$ 64,71$ 17,4930%A,S2023-05-30 R$ 73,96A
Summer in Mara + Deiland BundleR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%B
Super Animal Royale Super EditionR$ 22,45$ 7,4950%DLC2023-06-06 R$ 31,43A
Super HydorahR$ 41,54$ 9,9950%2021-08-24 R$ 23,70W
SuperliminalR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%B
Tales of the Neon SeaR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%B
Tandem: A Tale of ShadowsR$ 15,18$ 3,9960%B
Tangle TowerR$ 15,76$ 3,9980%XB
TeacupR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%S2022-11-01 R$ 14,78W
Terror of HemasaurusR$ 35,71$ 9,7435%B
Teslagrad 2R$ 41,96$ 13,9930%S2023-05-30 R$ 47,96A
Teslagrad Power Pack EditionR$ 62,96$ 20,9930%jogo + DLCA
Teslagrad RemasteredR$ 14,97$ 4,9950%SA
The Artful EscapeR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%S,AB
The Big ConR$ 20,22$ 5,2465%SB
The BridgeR$ 2,85$ 1,4985%B
The ColonistsR$ 47,30$ 11,9950%2023-06-20 R$ 56,76A
The Darkside DetectiveR$ 35,71$ 9,7435%A2023-03-28 R$ 33,91W
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the DarkR$ 35,71$ 9,7435%A2023-03-28 R$ 33,91W
The Diabolical TrilogyR$ 22,48$ 5,9970%B
The Division Franchise BundleR$ 49,98$ 13,7475%X,F2022-02-15 R$ 39,99W
The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: NecromR$ 194,96$ 38,9935%X,Sjogo + DLCA
The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: NecromR$ 139,71$ 25,9935%X,SDLCA
The end is nahual: If I may say soR$ 9,23$ 2,4975%2023-05-02 R$ 25,86A
The Entropy CentreR$ 38,46$ 17,4930%SB
The Game of Life 2 - Deluxe Life BundleR$ 67,47$ 17,9940%jogo + DLC2023-06-06 R$ 73,09A
The GunkR$ 48,61$ 12,4950%X,S,A2023-06-20 R$ 58,33A
The House of the Dead: RemakeR$ 30,50$ 8,2467%2023-06-06 R$ 32,35A
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Complete TrilogyR$ 25,11$ 6,7485%B
The Jackbox Party Pack 2R$ 19,60$ 9,9960%B
The Jackbox Party Pack 4R$ 24,50$ 12,4950%B
The Legend of TiandingR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%A,S2023-01-10 R$ 44,97W
The Library of BabelR$ 48,96$ 13,2930%SB
The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card GameR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%X2023-05-02 R$ 29,98W
The Magic Circle: Gold EditionR$ 19,50$ 9,9950%2018-03-13 R$ 11,70W
The PathlessR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%2023-07-04 R$ 73,72W
The Sexy BrutaleR$ 10,25$ 4,9975%B
The Spectrum RetreatR$ 8,75$ 4,5465%B
The Telltale Batman Shadows EditionR$ 56,22$ 14,9950%2022-09-06 R$ 28,11W
The TourystR$ 39,41$ 9,9950%XB
The Walking Dead: The Final SeasonR$ 24,80$ 7,9960%XB
Them's Fightin' HerdsR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%B
Them's Fightin' Herds Deluxe EditionR$ 73,72$ 19,9950%jogo + DLCB
Thimbleweed ParkR$ 39,41$ 9,9950%A2023-03-28 R$ 19,70W
Ticket to RideR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AB
Time Of War, Arkano'90R$ 32,97$ 8,9940%G2023-06-11 R$ 43,96A
Timothy vs the AliensR$ 26,26$ 6,7960%B
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction Deluxe EditionR$ 71,98$ 14,9970%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Tony and ClydeR$ 4,93$ 3,2967%B
Total Arcade RacingR$ 11,08$ 2,9970%A,SB
Tower PrincessR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%2023-05-30 R$ 52,46A
TrailmakersR$ 47,30$ 11,9960%A2023-05-02 R$ 35,48W
TRANSIRUBYR$ 45,96$ 11,9920%A,SA
Trek to YomiR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%SB
TrifoxR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%SB
Trigger WitchR$ 21,98$ 5,9960%B
Trine 4: The Nightmare PrinceR$ 32,48$ 7,4975%2022-12-15 R$ 19,49W
TrophyR$ 19,43$ 4,9950%2023-05-02 R$ 15,54W
Turnip Boy Commits Tax EvasionR$ 19,23$ 5,2465%A,XB
Twelve MinutesR$ 46,22$ 12,4950%S,AB
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HDR$ 65,70$ 14,9950%2023-06-13 R$ 45,99W
TY the Tasmanian Tiger HDR$ 65,70$ 14,9950%2023-06-13 R$ 45,99W
TypomanR$ 9,71$ 2,4975%2021-08-24 R$ 7,39W
UnoR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%2023-05-30 R$ 5,70W
UnpackingR$ 49,47$ 11,9940%AB
Unruly HeroesR$ 31,52$ 7,9960%X,F2023-03-28 R$ 23,64W
Urbek City BuilderR$ 45,46$ 12,3435%G,S2023-06-20 R$ 48,96A
ValfarisR$ 24,30$ 6,2475%XB
ValleyR$ 8,66$ 2,2485%2023-05-02 R$ 5,77W
Vampire SurvivorsR$ 9,71$ 3,7425%A,S2023-04-25 R$ 11,21A
Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the MoonspellR$ 3,96$ 1,5920%ADLC2023-04-25 R$ 3,71W
Vampire Survivors: Tides of the FoscariR$ 4,20$ 1,6915%DLCA
VampyrR$ 32,99$ 7,9980%G,X,SB
Venus: Improbable DreamR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%SB
Violett RemasteredR$ 3,69$ 0,9990%G,XB
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & TeefR$ 41,96$ 13,9930%SB
Warhammer 40,000: Space WolfR$ 49,47$ 9,8945%2023-07-04 R$ 31,48W
Watch Dogs: Legion - Gold EditionR$ 82,49$ 19,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 32,99W
Wave BreakR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%SB
WavetaleR$ 68,97$ 17,9940%S2023-06-13 R$ 80,46A
We Are The DwarvesR$ 7,59$ 1,9980%2021-11-02 R$ 1,09W
What Remains of Edith FinchR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%B
WINGSPANR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%XB
Wobbly LifeR$ 48,33$ 13,5920%B
World of Van Helsing: DeathtrapR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%B
World of Warships: Legends - Pocket BattleshipR$ 103,21$ 27,9930%DLC2022-11-01 R$ 117,96A
Xuan-Yuan Sword 7R$ 73,98$ 19,9960%2023-06-06 R$ 92,47A

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by DogsR$ 47,29$ 11,9940%SB
Anno 1800 - Deluxe EditionR$ 167,96$ 34,9930%Sjogo + DLC2023-06-27 R$ 191,96A
Astro Flame Starfighter (Xbox Series X|S)R$ 29,56$ 7,9920%SB
BlacktailR$ 87,97$ 16,4945%G,S2023-07-04 R$ 95,97A
Fishing: North Atlantic Enhanced EditionR$ 82,00$ 22,7940%S2023-06-20 R$ 88,83A
Fishing: North Atlantic Enhanced Edition: North Atlantic - A.F. TheriaultR$ 19,46$ 5,2425%SDLCA
Fishing: North Atlantic: A.F. TheriaultR$ 19,46$ 5,2425%SDLCA
Grand Theft Auto OnlineR$ 53,95$ 9,9950%G,SB
Grand Theft Auto V: Modo História (Xbox Series X|S)R$ 53,95$ 9,9950%G,SDLCB
GrindstoneR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%SB
HEROishR$ 3,69$ 0,9990%SB
In Sound MindR$ 18,79$ 3,4990%2023-06-06 R$ 28,18A
IndustriaR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%S2023-07-04 R$ 37,47A
Monster Energy Supercross 4 - Special Edition - Xbox Series X|SR$ 37,42$ 7,4985%Sjogo + DLCB
Monster Energy Supercross 4 - Xbox Series X|SR$ 22,42$ 4,4985%SB
ScornR$ 30,39$ 15,9960%A,S2023-06-27 R$ 41,79A
SoulsticeR$ 88,47$ 23,9940%SB
Soulstice: Deluxe EditionR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%Sjogo + DLC2023-06-27 R$ 120,21A
The Forest CathedralR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%SB
The RiftbreakerR$ 67,47$ 17,9940%SB
The Riftbreaker Deluxe EditionR$ 80,97$ 21,5940%Sjogo + DLCB
The Riftbreaker Metal TerrorR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%SDLC2022-11-29 R$ 25,86A
White ShadowsR$ 31,52$ 7,9960%SB
Work from HomeR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%SB

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

8 comentários:

  1. Sei que galera não liga muito para esse game mas finalmente o DJMAX entrou em promoção!
    Vou ver se pego ele para ter na coleção, na época jogava muito ele e o taiko no gamepass, tem poucos jogos de ritmo no xbox e jogava muito ele nos emuladores de psp, para quem curte jogos de rítimo é até que bacana, o taiko é melhor mas ele tem muito mais música.

  2. Vou finalmente comprar o Assassins Creed Black Flag

  3. O jogo Urbek não está com desconto como indicado... Será que será aplicado durante a semana?

  4. Vampire Survivor ... Jogue, só isso!!

  5. Alguns jogos estão com preço cheio pra mim (sou assinante Ultimate). Se a promo vale pra Gold, não valeria necessariamente pro Ultimate tb?

    1. Sim, me fale alguns que estão assim que vou conferir aqui.

  6. Recomendo Children of Morta. É um A-RPG, roguelite bem divertido. As classes são representadas pelos membros de uma família. Há mecânicas que obrigam/possibilitam jogar com todos os membros (incluindo habilidades passivas e atributos compartilhados por todos os membros). As combinações de "power-ups" (relíquias, buffs, armas secundárias, animais, etc.) trazem variedade ao jogo. Além disso, o jogo recompensa a sua exploração (missões secundárias, trechos da história, novas habilidades, etc.). Poderia falar a bela pixel art, mas aí já é gosto pessoal :)
