terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2023

Xbox Store, jogos removidos

Saiu notícia hoje, que diversos jogos do Xbox 360 serão retirados da loja a partir de 7 de fevereiro. Apesar de não poderem mais ser comprados após esta data, podem ser jogados normalmente e você pode fazer o download quando quiser, pelo histórico de compras.

Aparentemente, se o jogo também estiver na loja do One, ainda será possível comprar por ela. Porém, se for um jogo que só existe na loja do Xbox 360, daí já era.

Neste link você faz download do PDF com os jogos que serão removidos em cada país.

Xbox Store, descontos Apenas para você

Alguns jogos da Ubisoft que entraram em promoção ontem, estão com um desconto especial, chamado "APENAS PARA VOCÊ". Descontos maiores apenas para usuários selecionados. 

Estes preços não são válidos para todos. Alguns jogos aparecem com este desconto para algumas pessoas, mas outros não. 

Entrando na página de um jogo com estes descontos, se você estiver logado e tiver direito a promoção, tem um símbolo rosa, com o texto APENAS PARA VOCÊ. 

Não dá para comprar como presente com o desconto apenas para você.

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Gold EditionR$ 27,90$ 9,9990%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 55,80A
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate EditionR$ 38,87$ 15,5987%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 59,80A
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold EditionR$ 19,19$ 5,9988%jogo + DLC2023-01-17 R$ 47,98A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla CompleteR$ 125,99$ 29,3979%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 209,98A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ragnarok EditionR$ 71,99$ 14,9985%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 167,98A
Far Cry 6 Game of the Year EditionR$ 119,99$ 28,7976%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 164,98A
Far Cry 6 Gold EditionR$ 53,62$ 12,9987%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 123,73A
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold EditionR$ 30,40$ 7,9992%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 75,99A
Ghost Recon Breakpoint UltimateR$ 46,00$ 11,9990%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 91,99A
Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold EditionR$ 18,32$ 6,3992%Xjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 45,80A
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Ultimate EditionR$ 35,88$ 14,3988%Xjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 59,80A
Rainbow Six Siege Operator EditionR$ 68,99$ 18,3977%jogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 104,98A
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 113,99$ 29,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 151,98A
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 53,19$ 15,2081%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-03 R$ 55,99A
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York EditionR$ 34,49$ 9,0085%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-05-10 R$ 45,99A
Watch Dogs Legion - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 50,00$ 11,9990%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 99,99A
Watch Dogs: Legion - Gold EditionR$ 33,00$ 7,9992%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 82,49A

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

Xbox Store, Games with Gold

Hoje é o último dia para assinantes Gold pegarem de graça para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

E continua grátis até o meio de fevereiro

Autonauts (de 16/01 a 15/02)

Os jogos de fevereiro são:

For the King (de 1 a 28 de fevereiro) já liberado
Guts N Goals (de 16/02 a 15/03)

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2023

Xbox Store, de 31/01 a 06/02

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, continua acontecendo um saldão THQ Nordic.

ALGUNS JOGOS DA UBISOFT ESTÃO COM A PROMOÇÃO "APENAS PARA VOCÊ". Descontos maiores apenas para usuários selecionados. Preços "apenas para você" podem ser vistos aqui, convém entrar nos jogos que você tem interesse, pois os descontos que aparecem para mim, podem não ser os mesmos para você e vice-versa.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/promocaogames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PromocaoGamesBR

Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
Assassin's CreedR$ 17,70$ 5,9970%R,X2017-12-22 R$ 14,75W
Assassin's Creed IIR$ 20,70$ 5,9970%R2016-11-24 R$ 17,25W
Assassin's Creed RevelationsR$ 23,70$ 5,9970%R2019-01-29 R$ 19,75W
Assassin's Creed RogueR$ 38,70$ 8,9970%RB
Assassin’s Creed IV Black FlagR$ 23,70$ 5,9970%RB
Beyond Good & Evil HDR$ 6,00$ 2,9970%R2020-06-23 R$ 5,00W
BioshockR$ 15,60$ 7,9960%G,R2017-12-22 R$ 9,75W
Bioshock 2R$ 23,60$ 7,9960%G,R2017-12-22 R$ 14,75W
Bioshock 2 - Minerva's DenR$ 9,50$ 4,9950%G,RDLCB
Bioshock InfiniteR$ 53,70$ 8,9970%G,R2017-12-22 R$ 44,75W
Brothers in Arms: Hell's HighwayR$ 14,70$ 2,9970%R2020-06-23 R$ 12,25W
Far Cry 3 Blood DragonR$ 9,00$ 4,4970%R2021-06-18 R$ 4,56W
Far Cry 3: PACOTE DE DLC DE LUXOR$ 6,00$ 2,9970%RDLCB
Far Cry ClassicR$ 5,70$ 2,9970%R2020-06-02 R$ 1,71W
Far Cry Instincts Predator-$ 5,9970%RB
Final ExamR$ 8,87$ 1,6467%G2021-03-02 R$ 4,00W
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter-$ 4,9975%R2020-07-14 $ 3,99W
I AM ALIVER$ 9,00$ 4,4970%R2022-03-29 R$ 2,70W
Mafia IIR$ 22,25$ 7,4975%G,R2017-06-30 R$ 17,80W
OutlandR$ 5,70$ 2,9970%R2020-06-23 R$ 4,75W
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time-$ 2,4975%R2021-03-02 $ 0,89W
Rayman 3 HDR$ 10,00$ 4,9950%R2022-08-23 R$ 5,00W
Rayman LegendsR$ 14,75$ 4,9975%RB
Rayman OriginsR$ 19,95$ 4,9467%R2020-06-23 R$ 14,75W
Splinter CellR$ 23,60$ 5,9960%R,X2020-06-23 R$ 14,75W
Splinter Cell BlacklistR$ 20,70$ 5,9970%R,X2020-06-23 R$ 17,25W
Splinter Cell Double Agent (OG Xbox)R$ 23,60$ 5,9960%G,R,X2020-06-23 R$ 14,75W
Splinter Cell Pandora TomorrowR$ 17,70$ 4,4970%R,X2020-06-23 R$ 14,75W

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
A Place for the UnwillingR$ 14,44$ 3,7475%G,A2022-09-06 R$ 23,11A
Aery - A New FrontierR$ 24,01$ 6,4935%G,X2022-10-18 R$ 25,86A
Aliens: Fireteam EliteR$ 89,97$ 17,9940%G,SB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Endeavor Veteran PackR$ 28,08$ 5,2425%S,ADLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Hardened Marine PackR$ 15,14$ 2,6733%S,ADLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Wey-Yu ArmouryR$ 28,08$ 5,2425%S,ADLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite Pathogen ExpansionR$ 59,96$ 11,2425%G,A,X,SDLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: Frontier Freelancer PackR$ 27,33$ 5,2425%A,X,SDLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: Nostromo Salvage PackR$ 28,08$ 5,2425%A,X,SDLCB
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: UACM Frontline PackR$ 28,08$ 5,2425%A,X,SDLCB
Alvastia ChroniclesR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%A2022-09-06 R$ 21,98W
America’s Greatest Game Shows: Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy!R$ 26,25$ 13,9965%2020-09-01 R$ 18,75W
Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyR$ 32,72$ 9,9975%GB
As Far As The EyeR$ 64,71$ 17,4930%G,X2022-11-03 R$ 83,20A
ASSASSIN'S CREED 3 REMASTEREDR$ 51,60$ 15,9960%X,F2022-09-09 R$ 32,25W
Assassin's Creed Chronicles – TrilogyR$ 17,70$ 7,4970%B
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: ChinaR$ 11,60$ 3,9960%B
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: IndiaR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%B
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%B
Assassin's Creed IV Black FlagR$ 39,60$ 11,9960%2022-12-15 R$ 29,70W
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Season PassR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%DLCB
Assassin's Creed Legendary CollectionR$ 180,00$ 59,9970%2022-12-13 R$ 150,00W
Assassin's Creed OdysseyR$ 49,75$ 14,9975%X,S2022-09-27 R$ 39,80W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Deluxe EditionR$ 57,25$ 19,9975%Xjogo + DLC2022-10-04 R$ 45,80W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Gold EditionR$ 69,75$ 24,9975%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 55,80W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Gold EditionR$ 27,90$ 9,9990%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 55,80A
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Season PassR$ 50,00$ 19,9950%XDLC2022-09-20 R$ 40,00W
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate EditionR$ 38,87$ 15,5987%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 59,80A
Assassin's Creed OriginsR$ 49,75$ 14,9975%X2022-09-09 R$ 29,85W
Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITIONR$ 74,75$ 24,9975%Xjogo + DLC2022-09-09 R$ 59,80W
Assassin's Creed Origins - Season PassR$ 39,60$ 15,9960%XDLC2022-12-15 R$ 29,70W
Assassin's Creed Origins - The Curse Of The PharaohsR$ 24,00$ 7,9960%XDLCB
Assassin's Creed Origins - The Hidden OnesR$ 12,00$ 3,9960%XDLCB
Assassin's Creed Rogue RemasteredR$ 26,07$ 9,8967%X,F2022-09-09 R$ 23,70W
Assassin's Creed SyndicateR$ 26,98$ 8,9970%B
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Season PassR$ 18,00$ 8,9970%DLCB
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold EditionR$ 19,19$ 5,9988%jogo + DLC2023-01-17 R$ 47,98A
Assassin's Creed The Ezio CollectionR$ 35,98$ 11,9970%F2019-08-27 R$ 29,80W
Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, SyndicateR$ 74,75$ 22,4975%B
Assassin's Creed UnityR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%FB
Assassin's Creed ValhallaR$ 92,38$ 19,7967%X,SB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Season PassR$ 82,47$ 19,9950%X,SDLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Siege of Paris DLCR$ 54,97$ 12,4950%X,SDLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wraith of the Druids DLCR$ 54,97$ 12,4950%X,SDLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla CompleteR$ 209,98$ 48,9965%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla CompleteR$ 125,98$ 29,3979%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 209,98A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ragnarok EditionR$ 167,98$ 34,9965%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ragnarok EditionR$ 71,99$ 14,9985%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 167,98A
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ragnarok ExpansionR$ 99,97$ 19,9950%X,SDLCB
Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Assassin's Creed Odyssey e Assassin's Creed OriginsR$ 199,48$ 47,9970%X2022-09-20 R$ 166,23W
Assassin’s Creed Antiquity PackR$ 82,50$ 24,9975%X2022-09-20 R$ 66,00W
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Freedom CryR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%DLCB
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Legado da Primeira LâminaR$ 30,00$ 12,4950%XDLC2022-08-16 R$ 18,00W
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – O Destino de AtlântidaR$ 30,00$ 12,4950%XDLCB
Assassin’s Creed Origins - DELUXE EDITIONR$ 57,25$ 17,4975%Xjogo + DLC2022-09-09 R$ 45,80W
AXESR$ 12,91$ 3,4930%B
BATTLESHIPR$ 11,60$ 5,9960%2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
BioShock 2 RemasteredR$ 33,40$ 7,9960%G,XB
BioShock Infinite: The Complete EditionR$ 33,40$ 7,9960%G,XB
BioShock RemasteredR$ 33,40$ 7,9960%G,XB
BoggleR$ 12,00$ 3,9960%2020-06-04 R$ 7,50W
Bundle: Monoploly Madness + Monopoly PlusR$ 66,48$ 17,4965%jogo + DLCB
Call of CthulhuR$ 26,23$ 4,9975%G,XB
Capcom Arcade Stadium: 1944 - The Loop MasterR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: Battle CircuitR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: CAPTAIN COMMANDOR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: CARRIER AIR WINGR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: COMMANDOR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: CYBERBOTS - FULLMETAL MADNESSR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: DYNASTY WARSR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: FORGOTTEN WORLDSR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: Ghouls 'n GhostsR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: Giga WingR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: LEGENDARY WINGSR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: MEGA TWINSR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: PIRATE SHIP HIGEMARUR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: Powered Gear - Strategic Variant Armor EquipmentR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: ProgearR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: SECTION ZR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: Senjo no Okami?R$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: STREET FIGHTER II' - Hyper FightingR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: Tatakai no BankaR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: VARTH - Operation ThunderstormR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: VULGUSR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium: WARRIORS OF FATER$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium:1941 - Counter AttackR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium:1942R$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium:19XX - The War Against DestinyR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium:FINAL FIGHTR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%DLCA
Capcom Arcade Stadium:Ghosts 'n GoblinsR$ 5,26$ 0,9950%2022-04-26 R$ 5,00W
Castle WalkerR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%S2022-09-10 R$ 14,76A
CaterpillarR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%S2022-11-03 R$ 14,76A
Child of LightR$ 10,50$ 4,4970%2020-06-04 R$ 8,75W
Child of Light Ultimate EditionR$ 17,60$ 8,9960%jogo + DLC2020-06-04 R$ 11,00W
Choice of Life: Middle AgesR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%2022-10-11 R$ 13,83A
Civilization VI AnthologyR$ 122,46$ 24,4965%Gjogo + DLCB
Coffin DodgersR$ 6,90$ 3,5970%B
CyberHiveR$ 8,72$ 4,4950%A
Death ParkR$ 14,59$ 3,8935%X2022-09-13 R$ 15,04A
Death Road to CanadaR$ 12,20$ 5,9960%B
Déjà VuR$ 7,77$ 1,9980%G,X2022-07-12 R$ 9,71A
DisintegrationR$ 79,95$ 14,9950%G,XB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - BardockR$ 8,00$ 1,9960%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - BrolyR$ 8,00$ 1,9960%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Gogeta (SSGSS)R$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - SSGSS Lobby AvatarsR$ 3,50$ 0,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Super Baby 2R$ 9,95$ 2,4950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultra Instinct GokuR$ 9,95$ 2,4950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - VegetaR$ 8,00$ 1,9960%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - Extra Pack 4R$ 15,00$ 3,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL Xenoverse 2 - Pre-Order BonusR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - Super Pack 4R$ 20,00$ 4,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: Legend Patrol PackR$ 37,73$ 6,9930%DLCA
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: Legendary Pack 2R$ 26,95$ 4,9950%DLCB
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2: Ultra Pack 2R$ 14,95$ 3,9950%DLCB
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Standard EditionR$ 132,47$ 29,9950%X,SB
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Ultimate EditionR$ 300,96$ 69,9930%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Fallen KnightR$ 28,89$ 9,7435%GB
Family Feud-$ 9,8967%B
Fantasy DashR$ 3,45$ 0,9867%AB
Far Cry - Pacote InsanidadeR$ 98,98$ 29,6967%2021-06-18 R$ 59,99W
Far Cry 3-4-5-6R$ 164,98$ 44,9970%B
Far Cry 4R$ 24,73$ 6,5967%F2021-06-18 R$ 22,48W
Far Cry 4 + Far Cry Primal BundleR$ 63,98$ 19,9960%F2021-06-18 R$ 31,99W
FAR CRY 4 GOLD EDITIONR$ 42,88$ 11,5467%Fjogo + DLC2018-01-15 R$ 32,25W
FAR CRY 4 SEASON PASSR$ 12,87$ 4,9467%FDLC2020-09-01 R$ 11,70W
Far Cry 5R$ 49,75$ 14,9975%X,F2021-08-10 R$ 29,85W
Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe EditionR$ 87,50$ 24,9975%X,Fjogo + DLC2021-08-10 R$ 70,00W
Far Cry 5 - Gold EditionR$ 69,98$ 22,4975%X,Fjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 55,99W
Far Cry 5 - Season PassR$ 39,50$ 14,9950%X,FDLC2020-07-13 R$ 23,70W
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition BundleR$ 100,00$ 32,4975%X,Fjogo + DLC2021-08-10 R$ 80,00W
Far Cry 6 Deluxe EditionR$ 101,98$ 23,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 112,18A
Far Cry 6 Game of the Year EditionR$ 164,98$ 39,5967%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 199,98A
Far Cry 6 Game of the Year EditionR$ 119,98$ 28,7976%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 199,98A
Far Cry 6 Gold EditionR$ 123,73$ 29,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-03 R$ 136,10A
Far Cry 6 Gold EditionR$ 53,61$ 12,9987%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-03 R$ 136,10A
Far Cry 6 GOTY Upgrade PassR$ 119,98$ 23,9960%X,SDLC2023-01-24 R$ 149,97A
Far Cry 6 Season PassR$ 65,98$ 15,9960%DLC2023-01-24 R$ 82,47A
Far Cry Blood Dragon RemasterR$ 37,47$ 7,4950%2022-02-01 R$ 22,48W
Far Cry New DawnR$ 37,50$ 9,9975%X,FB
Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe EditionR$ 45,00$ 12,4975%X,Fjogo + DLCB
Far Cry PrimalR$ 32,98$ 9,8967%F2021-06-18 R$ 19,99W
Far Cry Primal - Apex EditionR$ 39,58$ 11,5467%Fjogo + DLC2021-06-18 R$ 23,99W
Far Cry® 6: LOST BETWEEN WORLDSR$ 49,97$ 9,9950%X,SDLCA
FIFA 23 UltimateR$ 199,60$ 39,9960%X,SB
FIFA 23 Xbox OneR$ 89,70$ 17,9970%XB
Fighter WithinR$ 19,75$ 4,9975%B
For Honor - Marching Fire ExpansionR$ 23,70$ 8,9970%X,SDLCB
For Honor Complete EditionR$ 74,98$ 24,9975%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 59,99W
FOR HONOR Standard EditionR$ 14,99$ 4,4985%X,SB
Ghost Recon BreakpointR$ 46,00$ 11,9980%X2021-11-19 R$ 34,50W
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold EditionR$ 75,99$ 19,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold EditionR$ 30,39$ 7,9992%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 75,99A
Ghost Recon Breakpoint DeluxeR$ 53,99$ 13,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Ghost Recon Breakpoint UltimateR$ 91,99$ 23,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Ghost Recon Breakpoint UltimateR$ 45,99$ 11,9990%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 91,99A
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Year 1 PassR$ 52,48$ 13,9965%XDLC2021-11-04 R$ 44,98W
Ghost Recon WildlandsR$ 35,80$ 9,9980%XB
Ghost Recon Wildlands - Season PassR$ 34,65$ 13,9965%XDLCB
Ghost Recon Wildlands : Year 2 PassR$ 27,65$ 10,4965%XDLC2022-12-15 R$ 31,60A
Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold EditionR$ 45,80$ 15,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold EditionR$ 18,32$ 6,3992%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 45,80A
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Ultimate EditionR$ 59,80$ 23,9980%Xjogo + DLCB
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Ultimate EditionR$ 35,88$ 14,3988%Xjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 59,80A
God's TriggerR$ 14,00$ 3,7475%X2022-12-15 R$ 19,60A
Grow UpR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%2020-06-04 R$ 4,75W
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card BundleR$ 71,97$ 20,2455%Gjogo + coins2022-04-22 R$ 52,78W
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card BundleR$ 149,98$ 35,9960%G2019-06-07 R$ 124,50W
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card BundleR$ 99,98$ 23,9960%G2020-03-10 R$ 62,48W
Hasbro Family Fun Pack-$ 11,9970%B
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - Super EditionR$ 44,75$ 14,9975%B
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition-$ 11,9970%B
Hero DefenseR$ 22,49$ 5,9980%2021-01-05 R$ 17,70W
Hungry Shark WorldR$ 20,00$ 4,9950%2020-06-04 R$ 10,00W
Immortals Feynx Rising Season PassR$ 65,98$ 15,9960%DLCB
Infinity RunnerR$ 7,78$ 2,0970%B
Insurgency Sandstorm Gold EditionR$ 214,97$ 39,9950%G,Sjogo + DLCB
It's KookyR$ 9,23$ 2,4975%GA
Jeopardy!R$ 9,75$ 4,9975%B
Kaiju WarsR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%GA
Kill The Bad GuyR$ 3,50$ 1,7475%2022-03-15 R$ 4,20A
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest EditionR$ 6,86$ 3,2475%A2022-03-15 R$ 8,23A
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier EditionR$ 6,73$ 3,7475%2022-03-15 R$ 8,08A
KurskR$ 7,49$ 1,9990%B
League of Enthusiastic LosersR$ 20,47$ 5,4950%G2022-11-08 R$ 9,22W
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Feed the TrollR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%DLCA
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Legend of Keepers - Supporter PackR$ 19,46$ 5,2425%DLCA
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Return of the GoddessR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%DLCA
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager: Soul SmugglersR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%DLCA
Madden NFL 23 UltimateR$ 149,70$ 29,9970%X,SB
Madden NFL 23 X1R$ 89,70$ 17,9970%XB
Mafia 2 Definitive EditionR$ 41,23$ 9,8967%G,XB
Mafia III: Definitive EditionR$ 41,23$ 9,8967%G,XB
Manual SamuelR$ 1,90$ 0,9990%B
MechaNikaR$ 11,80$ 2,9950%2021-03-09 R$ 5,61W
Mokoko XR$ 21,97$ 5,7450%A2022-11-22 R$ 26,37A
Monopoly DealR$ 2,70$ 1,4970%2021-08-10 R$ 2,25W
MONOPOLY FAMILY FUN PACK-$ 5,9970%2020-06-04 $ 4,99W
Monopoly MadnessR$ 49,48$ 9,8967%XB
MONOPOLY PLUSR$ 8,70$ 4,4970%2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2R$ 18,74$ 3,7485%XB
Monster Energy Supercross 2 - Special EditionR$ 33,74$ 6,7485%Xjogo + DLCB
MotoGP 18R$ 14,99$ 2,9985%XB
MXGP2R$ 7,88$ 1,4990%B
Necromunda: Hired Gun-$ 15,9960%G,SB
Necromunda: Hired Gun - Gang Wars Cosmetics BundleR$ 32,97$ 5,9940%DLCB
Necromunda: Hired Gun - Hunter's Bounty PackR$ 10,68$ 2,0033%DLCB
Nirvana: Pilot YumeR$ 9,78$ 2,6265%B
NO THINGR$ 3,72$ 0,9950%A,XA
Null DrifterR$ 7,38$ 1,9960%B
OlliOlli WorldR$ 95,94$ 17,9940%G,SB
OlliOlli World Expansion PassR$ 63,92$ 11,9920%GDLCB
OlliOlli World Rad EditionR$ 155,93$ 29,2435%G,Sjogo + DLCB
OlliOlli World: Finding the FlowzoneR$ 43,12$ 7,9920%G,SDLCB
OlliOlli World: VOID RidersR$ 43,12$ 7,9920%G,SDLCB
OneShot: World Machine EditionR$ 49,45$ 13,4910%2022-12-20 R$ 43,96W
Outbreak: Endless NightmaresR$ 14,99$ 3,9980%G,X,Sjogo + DLCB
Outbreak: The Undying CollectionR$ 36,99$ 9,9980%GB
PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PACR$ 97,17$ 19,4935%G,SB
Pig Eat BallR$ 11,55$ 2,9980%2022-03-08 R$ 10,99W
Pixel Devil and the Broken CartridgeR$ 12,91$ 3,4930%B
Pro Gymnast SimulatorR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%GB
Project StarshipR$ 7,38$ 1,9960%B
Pure Chase 80's-$ 2,3980%G2022-12-06 $ 2,99A
Pure Farming 2018R$ 14,75$ 7,4975%2022-12-15 R$ 17,70A
Pure Farming 2018 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%jogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 23,70A
Rabbids Invasion : The Interactive TV ShowR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%G2020-11-24 R$ 19,80W
Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV ShowR$ 32,25$ 8,7475%2020-11-24 R$ 25,80W
Rabbids: Party of LegendsR$ 79,98$ 15,9960%2022-12-15 R$ 99,97A
RabioR$ 13,83$ 3,7425%S2022-09-29 R$ 14,76A
Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Y7R$ 37,48$ 9,9975%B
Rainbow Six Siege Operator EditionR$ 68,98$ 18,3977%jogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 104,98A
Rainbow Six Siege Ops Y7R$ 104,98$ 27,9965%B
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 151,98$ 39,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 113,98$ 29,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-31 R$ 151,98A
Rayman LegendsR$ 14,98$ 4,9975%B
RC RushR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%GA
rekyR$ 9,23$ 2,4975%GA
Riders Republic DeluxeR$ 101,98$ 23,9970%jogo + DLCB
Riders Republic GoldR$ 123,73$ 29,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 136,10A
Riders Republic StandardR$ 83,98$ 17,9970%X,SB
Riders Republic UltimateR$ 149,98$ 35,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 164,98A
Riders Republic Year 1 PassR$ 82,47$ 19,9950%DLCB
RISKR$ 11,60$ 5,9960%2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
Risk: Urban AssaultR$ 14,50$ 7,4950%2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
Scott PilgrimR$ 23,08$ 4,9467%B
Scrabble-$ 9,7435%2020-06-04 $ 3,74W
Sébastien Loeb Rally EVOR$ 6,20$ 1,9990%2022-03-22 R$ 5,90W
SELF: Where's my fatherR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%G,X2022-09-27 R$ 18,47W
Shape UpR$ 19,75$ 4,9975%2020-11-24 R$ 15,80W
Shape Up Gold EditionR$ 24,75$ 11,2475%2020-11-20 R$ 19,80W
Shoot 1UP DXR$ 11,80$ 2,9950%XA
Sid Meier's Civilization VI - New Frontier PassR$ 65,98$ 15,9960%G,XDLCB
Sid Meier's Civilization VI Platinium EditionR$ 79,47$ 14,9970%Gjogo + DLCB
Sleepin' Guy Deluxe EditionR$ 21,10$ 5,3940%X2022-09-27 R$ 22,86A
Slime-san Superslime EditionR$ 10,15$ 5,2465%B
South Park: The Fractured but WholeR$ 47,98$ 14,9970%2021-12-28 R$ 39,98W
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold EditionR$ 68,98$ 23,9970%jogo + DLC2018-11-15 R$ 64,75W
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Season PassR$ 31,60$ 11,9960%DLC2019-06-07 R$ 26,07W
South Park: The Stick of TruthR$ 26,07$ 9,8967%B
South Park: The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but WholeR$ 65,98$ 23,0967%B
Space AccidentR$ 18,16$ 4,8930%A
Starlink: Battle for AtlasR$ 39,80$ 11,9980%XB
Starlink: Battle for Atlas – Deluxe EditionR$ 62,25$ 19,9975%Xjogo + DLC2021-07-23 R$ 37,35W
STEEPR$ 19,75$ 7,4975%X,FB
STEEP Season PassR$ 12,25$ 4,9975%X,FDLCB
Steep X Games Gold EditionR$ 39,75$ 12,4975%X,Fjogo + DLCB
SubmergedR$ 4,10$ 1,9990%2022-03-08 R$ 3,90W
Synchro Hedgehogs BundleR$ 19,46$ 5,1935%2022-09-27 R$ 20,96A
Tanky TanksR$ 13,47$ 3,5940%XB
Ten DatesR$ 53,95$ 14,3910%AA
The ComplexR$ 33,91$ 9,0930%G2022-09-27 R$ 21,80W
The CrewR$ 24,73$ 6,5967%2020-05-19 R$ 22,48W
THE CREW 2 - Gold EditionR$ 59,99$ 17,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
The Crew 2 - Season PassR$ 47,98$ 15,9960%X,SDLC2021-03-02 R$ 39,60W
THE CREW 2 - Standard EditionR$ 35,99$ 9,9980%XB
The Crew 2 Special EditionR$ 45,99$ 11,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
The Crew Ultimate EditionR$ 49,17$ 13,1967%jogo + DLC2020-05-19 R$ 29,80W
The DivisionR$ 24,98$ 7,4975%X,FB
The Division 2R$ 29,98$ 8,9970%X,S2020-02-25 R$ 9,95W
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - ExpansionR$ 29,98$ 8,9970%X,SDLCB
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 83,98$ 23,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-03 R$ 55,99W
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 53,19$ 15,1981%X,Sjogo + DLC2023-01-03 R$ 55,99A
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York EditionR$ 68,98$ 17,9970%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-05-10 R$ 45,99W
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York EditionR$ 34,49$ 8,9985%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-05-10 R$ 45,99A
The Division Franchise BundleR$ 59,98$ 16,4970%X,F2022-02-15 R$ 39,99W
The Division Gold EditionR$ 44,98$ 12,4975%X,Fjogo + DLCB
The Division Season PassR$ 20,98$ 5,9970%X,FDLC2020-02-18 R$ 17,50W
The Explorer Of NightR$ 11,07$ 2,9940%2022-09-27 R$ 11,99A
The Outer WorldsR$ 82,48$ 19,7967%G,X2022-07-15 R$ 62,48W
The Outer Worlds Expansion PassR$ 112,49$ 18,7425%G,X,SDLCB
The Outer Worlds: Murder on EridanosR$ 51,99$ 9,7435%G,X,SDLCB
The Outer Worlds: Peril on GorgonR$ 51,99$ 9,7435%G,X,SDLCB
The Surge 1 & 2 - Dual PackR$ 62,48$ 14,9975%GB
The Surge 2: Season PassR$ 27,47$ 4,9950%G,XDLC2020-09-08 R$ 18,73W
Tiny Hands AdventureR$ 4,49$ 1,1985%XB
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six ExtractionR$ 79,98$ 15,9960%X,S2022-12-15 R$ 69,98W
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction Deluxe EditionR$ 95,98$ 19,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction United BundleR$ 111,98$ 23,9960%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Trackmania TurboR$ 40,00$ 9,9975%B
TransferenceR$ 14,75$ 6,2475%B
Treasure Hunter SimulatorR$ 23,31$ 5,9940%B
Trials FusionR$ 11,25$ 4,9975%B
Trials Fusion: The Awesome Max EditionR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%jogo + DLC2020-04-28 R$ 15,80W
Trials RisingR$ 20,98$ 5,9970%X2020-09-01 R$ 17,48W
Trials Rising - Expansion PassR$ 21,98$ 5,9960%DLCB
Trials Rising - Gold EditionR$ 29,98$ 8,9970%Xjogo + DLC2021-11-02 R$ 24,98W
TRIVIAL PURSUIT LIVE!R$ 11,60$ 5,9960%2020-06-04 R$ 7,25W
Trivial Pursuit NextR$ 23,73$ 4,9975%B
UFC 4R$ 59,80$ 11,9980%X,FB
UFC 4 DELUXE HOLIDAY EDITIONR$ 67,80$ 13,9980%X,Fjogo + DLCB
UnoR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%2020-09-01 R$ 5,70W
Uno Ultimate EditionR$ 39,98$ 7,9960%jogo + DLCB
Valiant Hearts: The Great WarR$ 10,50$ 4,4970%2020-06-04 R$ 8,75W
Watch DogsR$ 26,23$ 6,9965%FB
Watch Dogs 1 + Watch Dogs 2 Gold Editions BundleR$ 75,99$ 19,9980%Fjogo + DLCB
Watch Dogs 1 + Watch Dogs 2 Standard Editions BundleR$ 57,48$ 14,9975%F2020-05-19 R$ 45,99W
Watch Dogs 2R$ 36,49$ 9,9980%F2022-06-17 R$ 18,24W
Watch Dogs 2 - Deluxe EditionR$ 41,99$ 11,9980%Fjogo + DLCB
Watch Dogs 2 - Gold EditionR$ 47,99$ 17,9980%Fjogo + DLC2020-10-08 R$ 35,99W
Watch Dogs 2 - Season PassR$ 24,75$ 9,9975%FDLCB
Watch Dogs Complete EditionR$ 37,48$ 9,8970%Fjogo + DLCB
Watch Dogs LegionR$ 55,99$ 11,9980%X,SB
Watch Dogs Legion - DELUXE EDITIONR$ 62,49$ 13,9980%X,Sjogo + DLCB
Watch Dogs Legion - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 99,99$ 23,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 124,98A
Watch Dogs Legion - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 49,99$ 11,9990%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 124,98A
Watch Dogs: Legion - Gold EditionR$ 82,49$ 19,9980%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 103,11A
Watch Dogs: Legion - Gold EditionR$ 32,99$ 7,9992%X,Sjogo + DLC2022-12-15 R$ 103,11A
Watch Dogs: Legion: Legion - Season PassR$ 65,98$ 15,9960%S,XDLCB
WATCH_DOGS Season PassR$ 15,60$ 5,1960%DLC2018-08-14 R$ 9,75W
Wheel Of FortuneR$ 15,58$ 7,9960%2020-06-04 R$ 9,73W
Without EscapeR$ 7,38$ 1,9960%B
Word Wheel by POWGIR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%SB
Wordbreaker by POWGIR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%SB
ZombiR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%B

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anteriorCor
FIFA 23 Series X/SR$ 135,60$ 27,9960%SB
Hardspace: ShipbreakerR$ 139,71$ 25,9935%G,S2022-12-27 R$ 161,21A
Just Dance 2023 - Deluxe EditionR$ 181,47$ 38,4945%Sjogo + DLCB
Just Dance 2023 - StandardR$ 149,97$ 29,9950%SB
Just Dance 2023 - Ultimate EditionR$ 242,97$ 50,9940%Sjogo + DLCB
Madden NFL 23 Series X/SR$ 101,70$ 20,9970%SB

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost