domingo, 31 de outubro de 2021

Xbox Store, Games with Gold

Último dia para assinantes Gold ou Ultimate pegarem de graça.

Para Xbox 360, Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

E logo serão liberados os primeiros jogos de novembro:

Para Xbox 360, Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Rocket Knight (de 1 a 15 de novembro) (USA) (já liberado)
Hydro Thunder Hurricane (de 1 a 15 de novembro)(BR) (já liberado)

Para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Moving Out (de 1 a 30 de novembro)

E permanece grátis para Xbox One e Xbox Series:

Hover (de 16/10 a 15/11)

sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2021

Xbox Store, Games with Gold

Anunciados os jogos grátis de novembro para assinantes Gold e Ultimate.

Para Xbox 360, Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Rocket Knight (de 1 a 15 de novembro) (USA)
Hydro Thunder Hurricane (de 1 a 15 de novembro)(BR)
Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes (de 16 a 30 de novembro)

Para Xbox One e Xbox Series X|S:

Moving Out (de 1 a 30 de novembro)
Kingdom Two Crowns (de 16/11 a 15/12)

quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2021

Xbox Store, promoção Tomb Raider

Começa hoje e vai até o dia 4 de novembro uma promoção dos 25 anos de aniversário da franquia Tomb Raider.

Além desses jogos, estão acontecendo as promoções da semana, a promoção de Halloween e uma promoção de jogos da EA.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:


Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Lara Croft and the Guardian of LightR$ 4,41$ 2,2485%R
Tomb Raider UnderworldR$ 10,49$ 2,9985%RR$ 6,90 03/04/2020
Tomb Raider: AnniversaryR$ 6,14$ 2,9985%RR$ 3,90 03/04/2020
Tomb Raider: LegendR$ 6,14$ 2,9985%RR$ 3,90 03/04/2020

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Lara Croft and the Temple of OsirisR$ 14,85$ 2,9985%
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass PackR$ 17,55$ 4,3485%jogo + DLC
Rise of the Tomb Raider Season PassR$ 16,38$ 3,9960%DLC
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year CelebrationR$ 25,99$ 5,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration PackR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%XDLC
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive EditionR$ 65,98$ 13,1967%X,Fjogo + DLCR$ 62,48 16/03/2021
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Extra ContentR$ 18,73$ 5,9970%X,FDLC
Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionR$ 12,36$ 2,9985%F
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor TrilogyR$ 99,98$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLC

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2021

Xbox Store, de 26/10 a 01/11

Jogos abaixo entram em promoção esta semana na Xbox Store.

Além deles, está acontecendo a promoção de Halloween e um saldão de jogos da EA.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:


Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Assassin's CreedR$ 17,98$ 5,9970%G,R,XR$ 14,75 22/12/2017
Assassin's Creed IIR$ 20,98$ 5,9970%G,RR$ 17,25 24/11/2016
Assassin's Creed RevelationsR$ 23,98$ 5,9970%G,RR$ 19,75 29/01/2019
Assassin's Creed RogueR$ 42,88$ 9,8967%G,RR$ 38,70 18/06/2021
BioshockR$ 16,38$ 7,9960%G,RR$ 9,75 22/12/2017
Bioshock 2R$ 23,98$ 7,9960%G,RR$ 14,75 22/12/2017
Bioshock InfiniteR$ 53,98$ 8,9970%G,RR$ 44,75 22/12/2017
BorderlandsR$ 47,98$ 7,9960%G,RR$ 29,75 22/12/2017
Borderlands 2R$ 35,98$ 7,9960%G,RR$ 17,80 10/10/2017
Borderlands: The Pre-SequelR$ 59,70$ 11,9970%GR$ 39,80 03/10/2017
Bound By Flame-$ 1,9980%G,R
Bully Scholarship EditionR$ 19,98$ 5,9960%G,RR$ 19,60 03/04/2020
Faery: Legends of AvalonR$ 7,50$ 1,3980%G,R
Final ExamR$ 8,87$ 1,6467%GR$ 4,00 02/03/2021
Grand Theft Auto IVR$ 27,98$ 6,9965%G,RR$ 19,75 22/12/2016
JUJUR$ 7,36$ 3,7475%G,RR$ 4,35 19/12/2019
Midnight Club: Los Angeles CompleteR$ 53,56$ 10,0433%G,RR$ 31,60 10/10/2017
MX vs. ATV: Untamed-$ 5,9970%G$ 1,99 28/11/2017
Red Dead RedemptionR$ 29,68$ 9,8967%G,R,XR$ 22,25 10/10/2017
Risen 2: Dark Waters-$ 5,9970%G$ 3,99 12/03/2019
Risen 2: The Air Temple-$ 1,4970%GDLC
Rockstar Table TennisR$ 31,98$ 5,9960%G,RR$ 15,80 22/12/2017

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
#SinucaAttackR$ 11,07$ 2,9940%R$ 12,91 08/06/2021
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADF-11F Raven SetR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLC
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - ADFX-01 Morgan SetR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLC
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - F-4E Phantom II + 3 SkinsR$ 6,00$ 1,4950%DLC
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - Unexpected VisitorR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLC
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – Anchorhead RaidR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLC
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN – Ten Million Relief PlanR$ 10,00$ 2,4950%DLC
Aery - Calm MindR$ 27,71$ 7,4925%G,X
Aery - Sky CastleR$ 22,17$ 5,9940%XR$ 24,01 22/06/2021
Aery-Broken MemoriesR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%G,X
AeternoBlade IIR$ 30,50$ 8,2467%R$ 36,98 24/08/2021
Assassin's Creed Chronicles – TrilogyR$ 17,70$ 7,4970%G
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: ChinaR$ 11,60$ 3,9960%G
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: IndiaR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%G
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaR$ 7,60$ 3,9960%G
Assassin's Creed IV Black FlagR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%G
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Season PassR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%GDLC
Assassin's Creed Rogue RemasteredR$ 26,07$ 9,8967%G,X,F
Assassin's Creed SyndicateR$ 26,98$ 8,9970%G
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Season PassR$ 18,00$ 8,9970%GDLC
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold EditionR$ 47,98$ 14,9970%Gjogo + DLC
Assassin's Creed The Ezio CollectionR$ 35,98$ 11,9970%G,FR$ 29,80 27/08/2019
Assassin's Creed UnityR$ 29,70$ 8,9970%G,F
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Freedom CryR$ 4,75$ 2,4975%GDLC
Assetto Corsa Ultimate EditionR$ 15,80$ 7,9980%Gjogo + DLC
ATLAS (Game Preview)R$ 37,10$ 9,8967%G
Black LegendR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%XR$ 78,71 15/06/2021
Boiling BoltR$ 4,60$ 2,3980%
Borderlands: The Handsome CollectionR$ 41,22$ 9,9975%GR$ 29,85 07/06/2019
Bunny ParkingR$ 11,22$ 2,9950%R$ 13,47 02/02/2021
Cake BashR$ 56,21$ 14,9925%
Call of CthulhuR$ 34,63$ 6,5967%G,XR$ 30,61 24/08/2021
Chivalry 2R$ 117,96$ 31,9920%G,S
Chivalry 2 Special EditionR$ 147,96$ 39,9920%G,Sjogo + DLC
Civilization VI Anthology UpgradeR$ 172,18$ 32,4935%GDLCR$ 132,45 07/09/2021
CleaR$ 41,18$ 11,0415%GR$ 33,91 20/04/2021
Control Ultimate EditionR$ 71,60$ 15,9960%G,Xjogo + DLC
Crazy Strike Bowling EXR$ 5,00$ 2,5980%R$ 10,00 23/02/2021
Crystal OrthaR$ 32,97$ 8,9940%G,AR$ 38,46 16/03/2021
Cyanide & Happiness: Freakpocalypse (Episode 1)R$ 67,45$ 17,9910%
Dead by Daylight: Hour of the Witch ChapterR$ 9,00$ 4,4910%DLC
Demon's Tier+R$ 18,47$ 4,9950%G
Die for Valhalla!R$ 5,75$ 2,9975%R$ 4,60 24/08/2021
EtherbornR$ 28,10$ 7,6455%G
FIFA 22 Ultimate Edition Xbox One & Xbox Series X|SR$ 374,25$ 74,9925%X,S
Glass Masquerade Double Pack BundleR$ 24,73$ 6,5970%R$ 20,61 15/06/2021
Gnomes Garden 3 in 1 BundleR$ 11,08$ 2,9970%G
GuardsR$ 2,76$ 0,7485%
Haunted Halloween '86R$ 11,08$ 2,9970%
HeadspunR$ 26,67$ 7,1940%G
Hood: Outlaws & LegendsR$ 78,71$ 14,9925%G,X,SR$ 92,97 21/09/2021
Hood: Outlaws & Legends Year 1 EditionR$ 171,96$ 31,9920%G,X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 198,71 21/09/2021
Hunting Simulator 2R$ 88,98$ 19,9960%
IndivisibleR$ 44,98$ 9,9975%G
Indivisible: Razmi ChallengesR$ 14,97$ 3,9950%GDLC
Infinite: Beyond the MindR$ 16,72$ 4,9950%G
Jeopardy! PlayShowR$ 55,47$ 14,9940%AR$ 32,97 28/06/2021
Journey to the Savage PlanetR$ 59,98$ 11,9960%G
Journey to the Savage Planet:Hot Garbage DLCR$ 17,97$ 4,7940%GDLCR$ 14,97 10/06/2021
Lucid CycleR$ 20,76$ 5,5920%S
Memories of MarsR$ 18,73$ 4,9975%G
MLB The Show 21 Edição Digital DeluxeR$ 298,47$ 59,9940%X,Sjogo + DLC
MLB The Show 21 Edição Jackie RobinsonR$ 276,21$ 55,2435%X,Sjogo + DLC
MLB The Show 21 Xbox One Standard EditionR$ 98,98$ 19,7967%X
MLB The Show 21: Stubs (1,000)R$ 2,76$ 0,7920%X,Scoins
MLB The Show 21: Stubs (67,500)R$ 92,47$ 24,9950%X,Scoins
MLB The Show 21:Stubs (11,000)R$ 22,17$ 5,9940%X,Scoins
MLB The Show 21:Stubs (150,000)R$ 186,22$ 49,9950%X,Scoins
MLB The Show 21:Stubs (24,000)R$ 44,97$ 11,9940%X,Scoins
MLB The Show 21:Stubs (5,000)R$ 12,91$ 3,4930%X,Scoins
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2R$ 29,99$ 5,9980%X
Monster Energy Supercross 2 - Special EditionR$ 45,99$ 9,9980%Xjogo + DLC
MotoGP 17R$ 19,99$ 3,9980%R$ 24,98 13/07/2021
MXGP PROR$ 27,48$ 7,4975%X
NBA 2K22 Cross-Gen Digital BundleR$ 267,66$ 53,5933%G,X,S
Nerf LegendsR$ 147,96$ 39,9920%
Nerf Legends Digital DeluxeR$ 177,96$ 47,9920%jogo + DLC
Obey MeR$ 33,72$ 9,9950%G,X
OmensightR$ 22,48$ 5,9970%X
OthercideR$ 63,98$ 11,9960%GR$ 57,73 17/08/2021
Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet EditionR$ 46,22$ 24,2450%G,Fjogo + DLC
PGA Tour 2K21R$ 82,46$ 19,7967%G,X
PGA Tour 2K21 Digital DeluxeR$ 95,66$ 23,0967%G,Xjogo + DLC
Pity PitR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%R$ 11,07 18/05/2021
Pixel GladiatorR$ 5,53$ 1,4970%
R.B.I. Baseball 21R$ 37,47$ 9,9950%SR$ 75,34 13/07/2021
Red DeathR$ 9,22$ 2,4950%R$ 11,07 18/05/2021
Rip Them OffR$ 23,41$ 6,2930%
ScourgeBringerR$ 31,22$ 8,4950%G,AR$ 43,71 16/03/2021
Shadows of KurganskR$ 53,96$ 14,3920%G
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's CutR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%G,A
Shing!R$ 52,46$ 13,9930%G,SR$ 29,98 24/08/2021
Sid Meier's Civilization VIR$ 44,85$ 8,9970%G,X
SiNKR 2R$ 7,38$ 1,9960%A,X
SnowRunnerR$ 107,47$ 19,9950%G
Snowrunner - Season PassR$ 79,96$ 19,9920%G,XDLCR$ 66,96 15/06/2021
SnowRunner Year 2 PassR$ 99,96$ 19,9920%G,XDLC
Super Dungeon BrosR$ 15,00$ 2,9985%R$ 20,00 11/05/2021
Super Dungeon Bros MEGA Bundle Pack-$ 4,5980%$ 5,74 11/05/2021
TENNIS WORLD TOUR 2R$ 51,60$ 13,9965%GR$ 58,98 06/07/2021
TENNIS WORLD TOUR 2 ACE EDITIONR$ 88,98$ 23,9960%Gjogo + DLCR$ 111,22 06/07/2021
TerrariaR$ 19,50$ 9,9950%GR$ 7,80 30/06/2017
The Sims 4 - Pacote de Jogo Decoração dos SonhosR$ 74,25$ 14,9925%DLC
The Sims 4 - Pacote de Expansão Vida CampestreR$ 149,25$ 29,9925%DLC
The Sims 4 City LivingR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 64,50 07/05/2019
The Sims 4 Eco LifestyleR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021
The Sims 4 Get to WorkR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 39,75 07/06/2019
The Sims 4 Ilhas TropicaisR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021
The Sims 4 Junte-se à GaleraR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021
The Sims 4 Rumo à FamaR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021
The SIMS 4 Snowy Escape Expansion PackR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,60 04/05/2021
The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs Plus My First Pet Stuff BundleR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%DLC
The Sims™ 4 Discover UniversityR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 79,50 03/08/2021
The Surge 2R$ 63,98$ 11,9960%G,XR$ 46,00 17/08/2021
The Surge 2: The KrakenR$ 22,90$ 4,2415%GDLCR$ 24,75 17/08/2021
ToroR$ 12,91$ 2,0930%
Train Station SimulatorR$ 39,97$ 10,7450%R$ 51,96 22/06/2021
TranscriptedR$ 3,95$ 1,9975%XR$ 3,16 04/08/2020
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HDR$ 81,21$ 19,4935%GR$ 62,47 08/10/2021
Unruly HeroesR$ 37,47$ 9,9950%G,X,FR$ 29,98 24/08/2021
Unto the EndR$ 46,22$ 12,4950%G,AR$ 64,71 27/04/2021
WWE 2K Battlegrounds Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 111,99$ 19,9960%Gjogo + DLC
XCOM 2R$ 62,25$ 14,9975%G,XR$ 24,90 08/02/2021
XCOM 2: War of the ChosenR$ 35,75$ 9,9975%G,XDLC
Yasai NinjaR$ 4,20$ 2,0930%R$ 3,00 03/07/2018
Yet Another Zombie Defense HDR$ 2,00$ 0,9980%X

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Hunting Simulator 2 Xbox Series X|SR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%S
JudgmentR$ 119,97$ 23,9940%G,SR$ 129,96 23/07/2021
MLB The Show 21 Xbox Series X|S Standard EditionR$ 122,48$ 24,4965%S
Outbreak: Lost Hope Definitive Edition (Series X|S Only)R$ 27,47$ 7,4950%G,S

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost

quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2021

Xbox Store, promoção de Halloween

Vai até o dia 4 de novembro a promoção de Halloween na Xbox Store.

Confira sistema de cores da tabela de preços:

Amarelo: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*)
Azul: melhor preço do jogo na Xbox Store até hoje (*), porém já veio por este preço antes
Branco: jogo já apareceu mais barato na Xbox Store antes

A última coluna do lado direito contém o valor e data mais recente do menor preço. Caso o melhor preço seja agora, ela mostra o segundo menor valor que ele já apareceu.

Acompanhe as promoções também pelas redes sociais:


Para Xbox 360:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Brutal LegendR$ 29,97$ 7,4950%RR$ 19,47 08/10/2019
Castlevania Harmony of Despair-$ 4,9467%R$ 3,74 12/04/2019
Castlevania Lords of ShadowR$ 42,88$ 6,6067%RR$ 32,48 28/09/2021
Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2R$ 32,48$ 9,9975%RR$ 25,80 07/06/2018
Castlevania Mirror of Fate HDR$ 10,04$ 4,9467%RR$ 6,00 07/06/2018
Castlevania Symphony of the NightR$ 20,47$ 5,0050%RR$ 19,95 30/06/2020
CondemnedR$ 17,25$ 4,9975%R
DEAD SPACER$ 15,99$ 2,9980%RR$ 11,99 27/04/2021
DEAD SPACE 2R$ 20,49$ 3,9980%RR$ 15,36 27/04/2021
DEAD SPACE 3R$ 20,49$ 3,9980%RR$ 15,36 27/04/2021
Silent Hill: HD CollectionR$ 19,98$ 7,5075%RR$ 19,75 30/06/2020
The Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsR$ 13,49$ 3,0085%R,XR$ 13,35 04/06/2020

Para Xbox One:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
AgonyR$ 3,90$ 1,9990%R$ 5,85 25/05/2021
BiomutantR$ 216,09$ 38,9935%R$ 222,74 13/09/2021
BioShock: The CollectionR$ 41,58$ 9,9980%jogo + DLC
Black MirrorR$ 19,75$ 9,9975%R$ 11,85 10/12/2019
Black the FallR$ 13,80$ 4,4970%
Bloodstained IGA's Back Pack DLCR$ 10,22$ 4,9950%XDLC
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightR$ 71,98$ 15,9960%X
Book of DemonsR$ 51,50$ 12,4950%
Borderlands 3 Next Level EditionR$ 102,20$ 24,4965%X,Sjogo + DLC
Borderlands 3 Ultimate EditionR$ 208,00$ 49,9950%X,Sjogo + DLC
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold EditionR$ 65,67$ 19,7967%jogo + DLC
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Spectre Rising EditionR$ 75,90$ 19,7967%X
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Cross-GenR$ 159,95$ 34,9950%X,Sjogo + DLC
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - StandardR$ 139,95$ 29,9950%X
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - UltimateR$ 239,94$ 53,9940%X,Sjogo + DLC
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles EditionR$ 65,67$ 19,7967%jogo + DLC
Call of Duty: GhostsR$ 65,67$ 19,7967%
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch EditionR$ 82,17$ 19,7967%X
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Edição Digital PadrãoR$ 114,50$ 29,9950%X
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare RemasteredR$ 74,50$ 19,9950%R$ 59,60 16/07/2019
Capcom Arcade Stadium Game Packs 1, 2, 3R$ 126,75$ 29,9925%jogo + DLC
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 1R$ 46,50$ 11,2425%jogo + DLC
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 2R$ 46,50$ 11,2425%jogo + DLC
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 3R$ 46,50$ 11,2425%jogo + DLC
CarrionR$ 44,97$ 11,9940%R$ 50,21 20/04/2021
Castlevania Anniversary CollectionR$ 29,75$ 4,9975%
CODE VEIN - Edição DeluxeR$ 82,47$ 19,9975%Xjogo + DLC
ControlR$ 51,60$ 11,9960%XR$ 32,25 25/05/2021
Control - AWE DLCR$ 13,47$ 4,9950%XDLC
Control - Foundation DLCR$ 13,72$ 4,9950%XDLC
Control - Season PassR$ 31,25$ 7,4950%XDLC
Crackdown 3R$ 74,97$ 14,9950%XR$ 59,98 08/10/2019
Cyberpunk 2077R$ 166,83$ 40,1933%XR$ 199,20 23/07/2021
Darksiders GenesisR$ 37,48$ 9,9975%X
Darksiders IIIR$ 62,25$ 14,9975%X
Darksiders III DLC BundleR$ 11,60$ 5,9960%DLC
DARQ Complete EditionR$ 52,46$ 13,9930%SR$ 56,21 31/08/2021
Day of the Tentacle RemasteredR$ 39,97$ 7,4950%A
DayzR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%XR$ 67,15 21/12/2018
Dead AllianceR$ 22,49$ 5,9980%R$ 16,86 25/02/2020
Dead by Daylight: Silent HillR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLC
Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill EditionR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%Sjogo + DLC
Dead By Daylight: Special EditionR$ 39,50$ 14,9950%R$ 31,60 02/04/2021
Dead by Daylight: The Halloween ChapterR$ 7,90$ 3,9950%DLCR$ 7,80 08/09/2020
Dead by Daylight: ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 98,34$ 48,9930%Sjogo + DLC
Deadlight: Director's CutR$ 5,80$ 2,9980%
Death's DoorR$ 59,96$ 15,9920%S
Destiny 2: Beyond LightR$ 71,99$ 23,9940%X,SDLC
Destiny 2: Beyond Light +1 SeasonR$ 89,99$ 29,9940%X,SDLC
Destiny 2: Beyond Light Deluxe EditionR$ 133,99$ 46,8933%X,SDLC
Destiny 2: Legendary EditionR$ 134,99$ 39,9950%X,Sjogo + DLC
Destiny 2: RenegadosR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%XR$ 30,50 18/12/2020
Destiny 2: ShadowkeepR$ 36,98$ 9,9960%XDLCR$ 30,50 18/12/2020
Destroy All Humans!R$ 82,47$ 21,9945%R$ 89,97 13/09/2021
Diablo Prime Evil CollectionR$ 195,93$ 41,9930%X,S
Disneyland AdventuresR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AR$ 18,73 04/06/2020
Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins GameR$ 36,33$ 9,7425%
Don't Knock TwiceR$ 12,00$ 6,2450%R$ 9,60 31/08/2021
DOOMR$ 31,00$ 9,9950%XR$ 15,50 10/08/2021
DOOM (1993)R$ 4,97$ 2,4950%R$ 2,98 10/08/2021
DOOM 3R$ 9,47$ 4,9950%XR$ 4,73 10/08/2021
DOOM 64R$ 4,97$ 2,4950%R$ 2,98 18/12/2020
DOOM Eternal Standard EditionR$ 99,60$ 23,9960%X,SR$ 62,25 10/08/2021
DOOM II (Classic)R$ 4,97$ 2,4950%R$ 2,98 10/08/2021
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition-$ 9,9975%F
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2R$ 37,50$ 8,9985%
Eldest SoulsR$ 88,08$ 14,9925%S
Evil InsideR$ 33,91$ 9,0930%R$ 31,49 08/06/2021
Fade to SilenceR$ 14,36$ 7,4975%
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help WantedR$ 89,96$ 23,9920%R$ 56,22 31/08/2021
Full Throttle RemasteredR$ 39,97$ 7,4950%A
Gears 5R$ 79,60$ 15,9960%X,S,AR$ 49,75 04/01/2021
Gears 5 Game of the YearR$ 99,60$ 23,9960%X,S,Ajogo + DLC
Gears of War 4R$ 49,50$ 9,9950%A,X,FR$ 36,86 12/04/2019
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe VersionR$ 49,50$ 9,9950%jogo + DLC
Gears TacticsR$ 79,60$ 15,9960%A,X,S
Gears Triple BundleR$ 108,15$ 27,9965%X,S,A
Get EvenR$ 18,00$ 4,4985%
GhostrunnerR$ 39,60$ 11,9960%
Ghosts 'n Goblins ResurrectionR$ 86,43$ 20,0933%
GhoulboyR$ 29,56$ 7,9920%
Goosebumps: The GameR$ 7,25$ 3,7475%R$ 4,35 18/12/2020
Grim Fandango RemasteredR$ 39,97$ 7,4950%A
Hello NeighborR$ 37,37$ 7,4975%AR$ 29,90 20/04/2021
HORROR TALES: The WineR$ 38,46$ 10,4930%
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters OverboardR$ 17,70$ 5,9970%R$ 14,75 27/10/2020
How To Survive 2R$ 5,80$ 2,9980%
How to Survive: Storm Warning EditionR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%
Hunt: Showdown - Blade Hunter Bundle-$ 7,9960%DLC
Hunt: Showdown - Gunslingers Bundle-$ 6,9965%DLC$ 7,99 10/08/2021
Hunt: Showdown - The Companion Bundle-$ 6,9965%DLC$ 5,99 10/08/2021
Hunt: Showdown Deluxe Edition-$ 16,4967%jogo + DLC$ 17,49 10/08/2021
Just Cause 4 - Edição CompletaR$ 58,49$ 13,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Just Cause 4 - Gold EditionR$ 49,99$ 11,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Just Cause 4 - Los DemoniosR$ 18,50$ 5,9950%XDLCR$ 11,10 27/10/2020
Just Cause 4 - ReloadedR$ 29,99$ 7,9980%Xjogo + DLC
Killer Instinct: Definitive EditionR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%A,Xjogo + DLCR$ 19,75 02/04/2021
Killing Floor 2R$ 34,75$ 9,9975%XR$ 30,58 20/04/2021
Killing Floor 2 - Armory Season PassR$ 75,34$ 20,0933%DLC
Little NightmaresR$ 20,00$ 4,9975%R$ 16,00 14/07/2020
Mad MaxR$ 45,00$ 4,9975%F
Maid of SkerR$ 69,33$ 18,7425%S,AR$ 46,22 31/08/2021
Metal Gear SurviveR$ 32,67$ 9,8967%XR$ 24,75 28/09/2021
Metro 2033 ReduxR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%F
Metro: Last Light ReduxR$ 7,80$ 3,9980%FR$ 5,85 27/04/2021
MonstrumR$ 23,98$ 8,9970%R$ 47,97 23/07/2021
Mortal Kombat 11 UltimateR$ 97,65$ 20,9965%X,Sjogo + DLCR$ 111,60 13/09/2021
Mortal Kombat XLR$ 30,00$ 4,9975%jogo + DLCR$ 36,00 07/09/2021
Murdered: Soul SuspectR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%
NecropolisR$ 32,50$ 7,4975%
Outbreak: Complete CollectionR$ 208,21$ 55,9930%Sjogo + DLC
Overwatch: Legendary EditionR$ 73,40$ 19,7967%R$ 55,61 23/07/2021
Pathologic 2R$ 51,98$ 13,9960%
Plants vs. Zombies Garden WarfareR$ 13,80$ 3,9980%F
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2R$ 13,80$ 3,9980%F
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for NeighborvilleR$ 29,80$ 5,9980%X,F
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Deluxe EditionR$ 29,85$ 5,9985%Fjogo + DLCR$ 39,80 21/09/2021
Quantum BreakR$ 19,50$ 9,9975%X
ReCore Definitive EditionR$ 9,73$ 4,9975%A,X,F
Remnant: From the AshesR$ 58,98$ 15,9960%XR$ 73,72 23/07/2021
Remnant: From the Ashes - Subject 2923R$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLC
Remnant: From the Ashes - Swamps of CorsusR$ 18,47$ 4,9950%DLC
Remnant: From the Ashes Complete EditionR$ 92,47$ 24,9950%jogo + DLCR$ 110,97 23/07/2021
Remothered: Broken PorcelainR$ 43,19$ 9,8967%R$ 65,45 13/09/2021
Resident EvilR$ 14,75$ 4,9975%
Resident Evil 0R$ 14,75$ 4,9975%
RESIDENT EVIL 2R$ 63,60$ 15,9960%X
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 79,60$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLC
RESIDENT EVIL 3R$ 82,17$ 19,7967%X
Resident Evil 4R$ 59,60$ 7,9960%
Resident Evil 5R$ 59,60$ 7,9960%
Resident Evil 6R$ 59,60$ 7,9960%jogo + DLC
Resident Evil 7R$ 43,50$ 9,9950%A,X
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold EditionR$ 79,50$ 19,9950%A,Xjogo + DLC
Resident Evil RevelationsR$ 51,60$ 7,9960%jogo + DLC
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 BundleR$ 71,60$ 15,9960%jogo + DLC
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 51,60$ 11,9960%jogo + DLCR$ 42,57 24/10/2019
Resident Evil Triple PackR$ 98,67$ 19,6367%jogo + DLC
Resident Evil VillageR$ 166,83$ 40,1933%X,S
Resident Evil Village Complete BundleR$ 254,25$ 59,9925%X,S
Resident Evil Village Deluxe EditionR$ 224,25$ 52,4925%X,S
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins BundleR$ 30,75$ 9,9975%
Resident Evil: RACCOON CITY EDITIONR$ 131,40$ 31,9960%X
Rush: A Disney Pixar AdventureR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%A,XR$ 18,73 04/06/2020
Ryse: Legendary EditionR$ 49,75$ 7,4975%jogo + DLC
ScreamRideR$ 34,75$ 7,4975%
Secret NeighborR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%R$ 24,73 16/02/2021
ShelteredR$ 5,80$ 2,9980%
SkelattackR$ 22,47$ 4,9975%
Sleeping Dogs Definitive EditionR$ 29,85$ 4,4985%F
Sombras da Guerra Edição DefinitivaR$ 38,99$ 11,9980%X,Ajogo + DLCR$ 29,24 18/12/2020
Sombras de Mordor: GOTYR$ 45,00$ 4,9975%jogo + DLCR$ 36,00 11/07/2017
Sunset OverdriveR$ 24,75$ 4,9975%
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe EditionR$ 37,25$ 7,4975%jogo + DLC
Tails Of IronR$ 111,96$ 19,9920%S
The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem GameR$ 125,33$ 33,9915%
The AscentR$ 89,10$ 26,9910%A,X,S
The Bioware BundleR$ 41,80$ 11,9980%jogo + DLC
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of MedanR$ 52,78$ 9,8967%X
The Escapists & The Escapists: The Walking DeadR$ 12,75$ 6,4975%jogo + DLCR$ 10,12 27/10/2020
The Escapists: The Walking DeadR$ 9,75$ 4,9975%R$ 7,80 27/10/2020
The Evil WithinR$ 40,00$ 9,9950%R$ 16,00 20/11/2020
The Evil Within 2R$ 51,13$ 13,1967%X,FR$ 30,99 20/11/2020
The Medium + Observer: System Redux + DARQ: Complete Edition - BundleR$ 234,46$ 62,9930%S
The Raven RemasteredR$ 14,75$ 7,4975%
The Sims 4 + Gatos e Cães – BundleR$ 79,60$ 19,9960%Xjogo + DLCR$ 49,75 18/12/2020
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party EditionR$ 29,85$ 7,4985%jogo + DLCR$ 19,90 16/06/2020
The Sims 4 SeasonsR$ 99,50$ 19,9950%DLCR$ 74,50 13/10/2020
The Sims 4 Spooky StuffR$ 36,75$ 7,4925%DLCR$ 19,50 17/09/2019
The Sinking CityR$ 36,99$ 9,9980%
The Sinking City – Necronomicon EditionR$ 55,99$ 14,9980%jogo + DLC
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - The Complete Season (Ep. 1-5)R$ 23,00$ 7,4950%R$ 11,50 04/08/2020
The Walking Dead: A Temporada Final - The Complete SeasonR$ 31,00$ 9,9950%X
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale MiniseriesR$ 14,50$ 7,4950%R$ 7,25 10/08/2020
The Walking Dead: Season TwoR$ 23,00$ 7,4950%R$ 9,80 30/06/2017
The Walking Dead: The Complete First SeasonR$ 23,00$ 7,4950%R$ 9,80 30/06/2017
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive SeriesR$ 110,97$ 29,9940%R$ 73,98 19/12/2019
The Witcher 3R$ 28,60$ 7,9980%X
The Witcher 3: Blood and WineR$ 16,80$ 5,9970%XDLC
The Witcher 3: Complete EditionR$ 38,00$ 9,9980%Xjogo + DLC
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts Of StoneR$ 8,40$ 2,9970%XDLC
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion PassR$ 19,50$ 7,4970%XDLC
ThiefR$ 5,85$ 2,9985%
Thief - Os EsquecidosR$ 1,50$ 0,7485%DLC
Thornebreaker: The Witcher TalesR$ 16,79$ 5,9970%
Through the Darkest of TimesR$ 27,47$ 7,4950%
TWIN MIRRORR$ 89,99$ 14,9950%X
Underworld AscendantR$ 28,11$ 7,4975%
UnturnedR$ 51,95$ 12,4950%
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New YorkR$ 22,48$ 5,9970%R$ 33,72 20/04/2021
VampyrR$ 41,23$ 9,9975%X,S
World War Z: AftermathR$ 212,45$ 33,9915%
World War Z: Aftermath - Deluxe EditionR$ 254,95$ 42,4915%jogo + DLC
World War Z: Aftermath - Zeke Hunter Weapons PackR$ 15,68$ 4,2415%DLC
World War Z: Explorer Weapon Skin PackR$ 15,68$ 4,2415%DLC
World War Z: Upgrade to AftermathR$ 63,70$ 16,9915%DLC
Zombie Army 4: Dead WarR$ 55,48$ 14,9970%S,AR$ 73,98 23/07/2021
Zombie Army 4: Dead War Super Deluxe EditionR$ 89,23$ 23,9970%S,Ajogo + DLCR$ 118,98 23/07/2021
Zombieland: Double Tap - Road TripR$ 36,86$ 9,9975%R$ 22,11 18/12/2020
Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol-$ 10,0433%
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal CollectionR$ 29,98$ 7,9960%AR$ 18,73 04/06/2020

Para Xbox Series:

NomeBRUSA%ObsTipoMelhor anterior
Observer: System ReduxR$ 78,71$ 20,9930%S,AR$ 75,34 20/04/2021
Reminiscence in the NightR$ 14,76$ 3,9920%S,A
The MediumR$ 138,71$ 37,4925%S,A

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X
S = Otimizado para Xbox Series
F = FPS Boost